The agreements on economic and social concerns were signed during the visit. The political-strategic issues did not call for any such formal endorsement as progress in their context is constant and ongoing. Such prickly problems as reprocessing of nuclear fuel which may be imported by India from USA and end-use restrictions on supply of defence equipment by USA to India have been left for further negotiations. Cooperation on counter-terrorism measures was given prime importance in the light of the terrorist attack on Mumbai. The exchange of information between investigative agencies of both countries was already in place; it is considered by India as of prime importance not only to combat cross-border terrorism but also to face the domestic insurgency which is spreading posing a threat to India's internal security.
The fact to be noted in this context is that cooperation between India and USA for the last two decades has evolved and gained ground on the basis the of much-publicized reform process for structural adjustment of Indian economy and society and even culture for changes in political - strategic relations in which the USA is the dominant partner and aids India to overcome problems and deficits in all respects, economic, social, cultural and security. This reform programme was initiated in 1991 under the leadership of the then Prime Minister. Narasimha Rao who chose Mr. Manmohan Singh for its implementation as the finance minister.
The American business corporations have been emphatic that the structural adjustment process, economic and social and political of India has slowly progressed and it is now poised to be made rapid and brought forward at a rapid pace in the context of global crisis in the capitalist system. The American capital should, therefore, now enjoy total freedom for profitable investment and security in India in all sectors of the economy - primary, secondary and tertiary. This too will require unbridled management rights over the assets build to maximise returns for repatriation. On the political-strategic side, Mr. Manmohan Singh, addressing members of the council of foreign relations in Washington, said that in foreign relations, he preferred “Washington as a more reliable partner†than any other country, in particular China. Further, he denigrated China's superior performance in economic growth process and asserted that “there were values more important in which India excelled - such as human rights (which is in his view did not include right to food, jobs and adequate incomes for the mass of the people), respect for law (ignoring discrimination against the poor) and ethnic and religious rights (which are wantonly violated in mob riots). He ended up by preferring the Indian path as against the Chinese for economic growth. What exactly is the Indian path was, however, not delineated. Is it the path chosen by the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru - the path of planned development, self-reliance in resource mobilisation, financial, technical and human? Or is it the path to relying on import of foreign investment on extortionate terms which tends to be labour displacing rather than labour intensive.
It must have been very satisfying for Mr. Manmohan Singh that the ground already covered in the implementation of his reform programme with the assistance of USA is likely to make further progress more rapidly in the midst of global economic and political turmoil. His public speeches during his visit to USA this time have been far more bold and assertive than on past occasions. In his scheme of things, joint citizenship is also envisaged for the Indian elite which has accepted American citizenship; it can also prevent brain drain from India to US by way of brain gain to India from the USA for its economic, social and cultural growth under US hegemony.
The concept of democracy packaged, branded and patented by the USA which Mr. Manmohan Singh is proposing has already made significant headway in India. The US having lost its competitive edge in the export of material goods and service in the global market, its administration headed by President Bush shifted to the sale of this “democracy†to the developing countries. The first most risky and brazen experiments in this enterprise were carried out in Iraq and Afghanistan. The countries in South Asia, in particular Pakistan and India, now seem to be targets of the USA.
The starting point of this unique democracy is to smother and supplant indigenous economic activity, suppress social relations and local customs among the “viable†segment of the population in the developing countries. All this is imperative for enabling the ruling elite in developing countries to go at breakneck neck pace to adopt “modernisation†of the “life style of international standardsâ€.
The export by US of its brand of democracy is ostensibly free and even heavily subsidized. But its cost in human and material terms for the developing countries turns out to be horrendous. The essential infrastructure for absorption of US democracy in developing countries has become stark in the case of Pakistan in South Asia where the feudal family set-up dominates the running alternately of civilian rule and military rule. The position in India is, however, somewhat sophisticated, where urban big business and big landed gentry determine policy-making and politics.
The ruling elite in the USA, after its triumph in the cold war against the USSR brazenly assumed for itself the title of the sole super power in the world with unfettered right to impose, to begin with, on developing countries its brand of democracy. Subsequently, emergency measures, social, political and cultural, are taken to secure its direct intervention in their affairs. Its behaviour in the management of international relations is accordingly conducted. Armed invasion of sovereign nation states, mass bombing of their civilians if they resist militantly, as well detention of local leaders in secret camps - .all this is asserted as legitimate for the US military and intelligence services. India, which till recently was a hurdle in the way of the USA Administration to carry out these activities in its territory, has been softened up to reconcile to this position. The free movement of intelligence agencies of USA to India in the wake of the terrorist attack on Mumbai is noteworthy in this context. (IPA Service)
Balraj Mehta - 2009-12-05 17:38
The visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the USA has found coverage in the media more for its glitter than substance. President Obama in fact, seems to have been reticent unlike his expensive style in the exposition on policy issues and was content to give only bald assurances to set at rest misgivings of the ruling elite and media in India on his visit to China. What he emphasised was that India-US relationship developed under the regime of President Bush has remained unchanged. This too satisfied Mr. Manmohan Singh fully.