Prominent broadcasters bodies like Broadcast Editors' Association (BEA) and the News Broadcasters Association (NBA) pleaded for more time to prove the efficacy of the self-regulation mechanism initiated by them.

The conference was attended by ministers and official representatives from over 30 states and also a cross-section of experts and stakeholders from media.

Concerns were expressed by representatives of industry and the experts on high entertainment tax.

Issues were also raised about piracy taking place in the film sector, music as well as cable services.

State governments expressed their determination to deal with the issue of piracy firmly.

Many of the States also indicated that they are in the process of enacting appropriate legislative measures to address this issue.

The need for setting up, strengthening and activating the Implementation Cells in this regard was endorsed.

It is worth mentioning here that the Union Ministry of Information and broadcasting is having consultations with broadcasters and industry stakeholders on whether the current FDI limit in cable television sector, which stands at 49 percent, should be increased or not.#