The RSS and its off-shoot organizations had never raised a finger against British Colonialism and remained aloof from the freedom struggle. They had in fact actively collaborated with the British authorities to sabotage the struggle for freedom. None of their founders was a part of freedom struggle anytime. People of this country wonder whether in the name of imbibing nationalism, the Sanghis want to force their brand of Hindutva nationalism down the throats of the country’s vast majority, who do not subscribe to their ideology, or in the name of parting with colonial ways make them to swallow the bitter pills of Neo-colonialism.
Though it is intended to be an open seminar, the Sanghi’s would indulge in a lot of shadow work, as they cannot tolerate criticism and dissent. The participants will be carefully selected and any potential trouble makers will be carefully kept away. As it is characteristic of RSS, only those that meekly comply with their instructions will be allowed to participate. In the name of patriotism and nationalism, the intention of the Sanghis is to propagate intolerance, suppression of freedom of expression, rationalism, and above all democratic and secular values.
Their ultimate desire is to establish a Hindu-Rashtra, which will be a lone Hindu nation on this planet. This is nothing but jumping up to grab the moon. As per the Arsha Dharma and Manu Sasthra, only upper caste Hindus qualify to be legitimate Hindus. Neither the Dalits, Tribals and Backward classes nor the minorities, who together form more than 90% of the country’s population, can be accorded the status of Hindus, according to their philosophy. Imposing by force the will and culture of a tiny minority on the whole of the population, can only lead to escalation of social tensions. Will Muslims of this country who constitute 17% of population or even the Sikh community accept Hindu Rashtra, who constitute majority in our armed forces? Whether North Eastern states will give consent for to Hindu Rashtra where most of them are Christians?
What sort of Nationalism do the Sanghi’s want to preach? Those that spew hatred on the moinorities, Dalits and Tribals cannot be patriots by any stretch of imagination. And killing the intellectuals such as Govind Pansare, Narendra Dabolkar, Kalburgi and silencing opposing views by threats and intimidation is now projected a nationalism! What an irony! Anyone who raises his voice against the Hindutva forces is branded as a Pakistani agent and asked to leave the country. At this rate, most of the citizens of this country qualify to be anti-nationals and only those that spew hatred, violence against minorities and Dalits are true patriots and nationalists?
What type of patriotism or nationalism does the RSS chief want the teachers to teach the youth of this country? The Hindu Mahasabha is constructing temples to Nathuram Vinayak Godse who has murdered Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation. And what does this drama of “parting ways with colonialism” mean. This government is on a no holds barred race to kill the public sector and hand over the country’s economy to MNCs. Even the nation’s defense industries are now being handed over to American companies. In the name of digital economy, for every transaction, we have to pay a commission to foreign net brokers. Is this parting of ways with colonialism or forcing a new colonialism on this country’s populace?
Our country is increasingly being tied down with international finance capital and our banks have lost their independent role in regulating the economy. As it is, the world capitalism is being plunged in to systemic crises and by losing our economic independence, we become increasingly vulnerable to economic upheavals. Wealth is being drained out of our country and is landing up in the coffers of MNCs and international banks. The BJP government, contrary to their stated aims of curbing black money, are hand in glove with the super rich, who loot this country and stash their ill-gotten wealth abroad. How can anybody believe their credentials, when they want the teachers to teach about parting ways with colonialism, while the reality is the quiet opposite of their stated intentions?
Sangh Pariwar has floated one 'nationalist' organization called 'Swadeshi Jagaran Manch'. That organization has given a call to boycott foreign goods. But as soon as BJP came to power for the first time in the center, it comfortably made Enron Accord. Why Narendra Modi is conspicuously silent on Strategic Partnership Accord and Nuclear Power Accord made by Manmohan Singh? Perhaps he wants to prove to his American masters that he is more faithful than the previous government.
Our economic policies are neo-colonial which lead to colonialism. Foreign direct investments in defense, financial sector, railways, retail trade, etc are gate way for transnational corporations to enter and devastate our economy. We cannot forget how the British entered into our country through East India Company with trade in tea & coffee. Wallmart of USA and Metro of Germany and many other super Malls are symbols of neo colonialism.
Countries of Latin America had gone through a similar process of neo-colonialism and now their economies are completely devastated and they are yet to recover from the ruins of their respective economies. BJP may argue that colonialism will not be allowed in our country. In today’s changed world, political and military control of any country by a foreign power comes with great cost, as witnessed in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries. But neo-colonialism enables the capitalist core, controlled by MNCs to rob any country at will.
Hence fight against foreign direct investments is fight against neo-colonialism in turn that is fight against colonialism. Real fight against FDI is nationalism and that is true patriotism. As far as patriotism goes, loving all the people of this country, irrespective of their race, caste or religion only is true patriotism. Respecting our diversity is the best guarantee of a united India. (IPA Service)
Dr. K Narayana - 2017-03-30 11:59
As per news reports, the RSS chief Mohan Bhagawat has invited university teachers from all over the country in order to hold a seminar on 'Parting with Colonial Ways-Imbibing Nationalism.'