For their lust for power they stopped so low that it has turned them into mythical spineless creatures. The court’s verdict that no scam has taken place in 2G and the CBI has failed to substantiate its charges against these people has unraveled the darker side of the power game that used to be enacted in the medieval time.

Somebody commented that the main beneficiary of the 2G scam was Arvind Kejriwal. Yes he was. But the greatest beneficiaries were BJP leaders Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and Arun Jaitley. The BJP claims to have a highly learned and articulate group of lawyers as its members. They were the vanguard of the accusations that ruined the reputation of former prime minister Manmohan Singh. They resorted to Goebbels’ aphorism to completely defame him and turn him into a villain and spineless politician in the eyes of the people.

No doubt they succeeded in their mission. Dr Singh lost the sympathy and respect of the countrymen; they treated him like a pariah. A general impression was created that “Sonia proposed and Manmohan disposed”. The people believed that Manmohan Singh was incapable of acting on his own and that he patronised the 2G scam and scamsters at the directive of Sonia Gandhi. A major section of people even today nurse the same notion. This is the basic reason that most people were not willing to give serious attention to whatever he said about the country’s economic condition and misdeeds of the Modi raj. Even a mention of his name would provoke people to say he was the one who patronised the scams and ruined the economy. Ironically, his former press attaché even wrote against him and sought to know in his book why Dr Singh did not react to Sonia’s directives?

They never gave serious thought to whether a person like Dr Manmohan Singh could actually involve in such a nefarious game. It would not be an exaggeration that the father of this type of insinuation politics has been L K Advani. He had coined many phrases to deride Dr Singh as he knew that former prime minister represented the nucleus of Congress credibility. Once that is damaged, Congress could not withstand the attack. Actually, with Dr Singh standing discredited, the Congress lost all sympathy of the Indian people.

The BJP and AAP leaders must put their heads together and analyse how much damage they have inflicted on the country and turn the countrymen into skeptics. These leaders eroded the base of trust from the minds of people. Especially the urban middle class looked at everything and every individual with suspicion.

The verdict has pulled down the veil of righteousness from the face of CAG Vinod Rai, who now stands accused of misusing his position and spreading false propaganda. He was the one who levelled the allegation against Dr Singh and others. For the common man the CAG report was like Gita while Anna Hazare and his team became demi gods.

Someone should now move the court, seeking to prosecute Rai for lowering and damaging the credibility of the country across the globe. Or, the court suo motto should take action against him for indulging in vilification. He sent out the message that Indians were basically dishonest and played into the hands of the BJP leaders, serving the interest of the saffron party, misusing his position and spreading the canard. Kejriwal also exploited the scam and rose to such height.

From Anna Hazare to Kejriwal, everyone launched campaigns to cleanse India of corruption. The BJP lent its support to the Anna movement for holding the UPA government headed by Manmohan Singh to ransom. The country has not forgotten the drama about the Lokpal bill and all that. It now transpires that the movement was planned by the Vivekanand Foundation and backed by RSS and Vishwa Hindu Parishad. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat even admitted that they mobilised crowds for the movement. A top leader of VHP had declared that the VHP had organised bhandara for Anna’s satyagrahis.This cooked up a countrywide frenzy against corruption.

Ironically, A Raja was not only forced to resign from the union cabinet but was eventually sent to jail for allegedly gobbling up thousands of crores of public money. With the support from media, an organised conspiracy was initiated to discredit the UPA2 government with an eye on the 2014 parliamentary elections, which actually worked for the benefit of BJP. (IPA Service)