The Task force has inspected 18 mines in Karnataka. Violations were pointed out in 10 mines out of which 5 have been recommended for suspension. In Andhra Pradesh, 11 mines were covered. Violations were found in 8 mines out of which 5 mines have been recommended for suspension. In Orissa, Jharkhand and Gujarat, 12, 7 and 4 mines were covered respectively.. Suspension of leases has been recommended for 3 mines in Orissa, 4 in Jharkhand and 1 in Gujarat. Thus, out of 52 mines inspected so far, 26 mines were detected to have violated the norms.

The team found violations of the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules in all the mines. Mining taken up outside the leased area, violation of mining plans and encroachments were also detected.

The IBM Task Force Teams were constituted by Ministry of Mines on 1st December 2009 to check growing instances of illegal mining in all parts of the country as decided in the meeting held by the Minister for Mines and Development of North Eastern Region, Shri B. K. Handique with IBM officers on 27.11.2009. Additionally, nodal officers for every zonal/regional offices of IBM are also looking after the work of prevention of illegal mining in the respective regions/states.

IBM is expected to continue the inspections till all endemic areas for illegal mining in the country are covered. #