The rating of 441 Class I cities will be carried out on the basis of output, outcome and process related indicators. It will be completed by March 2010.Based on the rating, a National Award known as “Nirmal Shahar Puruskar†will be announced. The aim is to recognize and reward improvements made by a city towards becoming totally clean and healthy by achieving 100% sanitation. A totally sanitized city will be one that has achieved the objectives specified in the National Urban Sanitation Policy, the salient features of which include open defecation free cities, elimination of the practice of manual scavenging and provision of adequate protection equipment that addresses the safety of sanitation workers, safe management of municipal wastewater and storm water, recycle and reuse of treated wastewater for non potable applications wherever possible, full and safe collection and disposal of solid waste, services to the poor, systems for sustaining results and improved Public Health Outcomes and Environmental Standards
In view of the fact that any sanitation initiative has to be backed by a strong communications campaign that would seek to inform the citizens and also promote behavioural change, the MoUD will launch a radio campaign on civic issues. Radio spots would be broadcast to inform and encourage urban citizens to change their habits and behaviour so that they are able to contribute positively to making their own homes, neighbourhoods and the city clean and healthy. Two special films titled Engines of Change and Towards Clean Cities have been prepared by Bollywood Director Kabir Khan. The purpose of the films is to enhance awareness levels among urban decision-makers and citizens, including representatives of Mohalla Committees or Resident Welfare Associations, NGOs and research organizations.
The third activity will be in the nature of support to states and cities to plan for the achievement of 100% sanitation in an integrated fashion through the formulation of state sanitation strategies and city sanitation plans.
It is expected that the three activities would go a long way in achieving the objectives of National Urban Sanitation Policy by bringing necessary focus on the issue of safe sanitation.#
Launch of Rating of Cities and National Communication Campaign
Special Correspondent - 2009-12-16 16:10
New Delhi: In order to strengthen implementation of the National Urban Sanitation Policy, the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India has launched three important initiatives namely the rating of cities, a communication campaign and formulation of state sanitation strategies and city sanitation plans.