The ESF for Senegal was approved on December 19, 2008 to help finance the balance-of-payments impact of higher food and energy prices. On June 19 2009, the Executive Board approved a financial increase under the ESF by SDR 72.81 million (about US$115 million) to SDR 121.35 million (about US$192 million) and an extension from 12 to 18 months to help finance the balance-of-payments impact of the global economic crisis (See Press Release No. 09/223).

The Board has also completed the fourth review under the Policy Support Instrument (PSI). The three-year PSI for Senegal was approved on November 2, 2007 to support the country's economic reform efforts. It is aimed at consolidating macroeconomic stability, increasing the country's growth potential, and reducing poverty.

The program focuses on maintaining a sound fiscal policy stance and enhancing fiscal governance and transparency. It also includes structural measures to support the private sector and increase the financial sector's contribution to growth.#