No one can dispute that Narendra Modi has inborn lack of faith in integrity and honesty of not only his political colleagues in the ministry and party but also everyone in the administrative structure. His dependence only on politician and bureaucrats who worked with him in his 12 years of rule of Gujarat to man the entire system speaks of his mistrust of all others. Even personal staff of ministers was chosen with approval of his secretariat. The dependence on only bunch of cadre does show his inability to trust others.
The claim of increased network of road hides the harsh reality as small and marginal farmers cannot use the new highways to bring their animal driven load carriers lest they do damage or considered safety hazards to fast moving auto vehicles. Thus road networks remain outside the reach of small and marginal farmers that constitute 88 per cent of farming population. In addition, new roads have toll tax compulsion as a part of payment to private sector participation in the net work.
The claim of steady supply of power to most areas does not specify that power generation capacities were installed by previous regimes. The NaMo government is merely distributing what is generated by the already installed capacity without adding to generation capacity. It is similar claim he made of reaching with Narmada waters to Mehsana and beyond without a mention that it became possible due to the Sardar Sarovar project constructed by earlier regimes. They had also constructed the canal network for his regime to release waters.
Third claim is of improvement in rail services. Train journey has become more comfortable as second class passenger coaches have been replaced by air conditioned coaches on many trains. Does it not hide the fact that the facilities for passengers who cannot afford travel by any high class but only second class stand deprived of services? It does indicate that the NaMo government worked only for the upper class. Health services have been restricted in availability to poor as it got linked to the health insurance. There have been cases when government hospitals refused services to pregnant poor women in intense labour pain as they could not produce the Aadhar card.
Every essential services were linked to Aadhar card. The link was made mandatory and thus placed, every service linked to life, at whims, fancies and dependent to potential exploitation for corruption by unscrupulous elements in the system. A threat to seek cancellation of the Aadhar card became sufficient tool for exploitation. The Prime Minister is expected o visualize the potential of misuse of any law, regulation or dictates before approval. The principles of natural justice has to rule supreme in every regime. Yet he equipped with more teeth the tax enforcement agencies known mostly for their corruption.
He is yet to explain his sudden reversal of approach and policy in relation to relations with Pakistan. He made a major diplomatic move to impress and convince the world of his sincerity for improving relations with Pakistan. He landed at Lahore airport without prior information on the birthday of the Pakistan Prime Minister and sought invitation to join the family celebrations. Only few months later he was breathing out fire at Pakistan for terrorist training. He bragged about surgical strike at the mid-night though was careful in choice of territory for air force fleet.
Just as the elections were due for official announcement, he had yet another strike and later bragged about it as a great achievement. Within 24 hours, he realized impossibility of building the war hysteria as the mass psyche of Indians is of toleration of even enemy. Bravado has no takers and yet it is difficult to explain to him that such actions do not need advertisements.
The major riddle in this election is identification of his party. He changed basic tenets of the party by relegating to the bottom all three issues that had become identity marks of the BJP for 25 years. He had subordinated the stature of all known faces that were identified with the party. He did not allow his ministers to speak out their minds. He was more or less a terror for them.
The party denies vehemently the accusation that he behaved in his rule like a dictator. Yet his ardent follower in the party, the Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath Yogi revealed that for him Narendra Modi is a dictator and he enjoys it when he described the Indian Army as the Army of Modi. The Prime Minister did not discourage though the armed force reacted at its description as the personal soldiers of the ruler. It leaves one wondering whether NaMo was seeking glory for young Indians in future and by their achievements or in becoming the Nero of the modern India.
The finance minister Arun Jaitley, the external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj or Ramakant Parrikar, then defence minister suffered illness and government financed their treatment. He retired his minister Dr. Najma Heptulla on reaching age of 75 years but others continue in office even after their fatal illness. The present defence minister is unwilling to fight the Lok Sabha election but is endowed with responsibility to fight for the nation. Modi is in the electoral battle without identification of his party, core of his support base and without idea of what he wants India to be? His bravado over the surgical strikes, his achievements leave an impression that he had lost the clue of what he wanted originally.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2019-04-05 12:09
A spate of pro NaMo messages keeps on flying on social media. The messages urge for vote to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ensure another term to him so he can continue good work though messages fail to identify his good work in fist term. However the publicity blitz by the government identify expansion of road networks, electrification of 18000 difficult villages, power supply for more hours as achievements without mention of addition to unemployment, slow down of growth rate, cash crunch and addition to poverty of millions or enrichment of few business tycoons against collapse of micro-industrial sector. But it cannot be disputed. You are immediately branded as antinational element the moment you doubt the claims.