The working group will consist of members from the Government, the regulators and the private sector.

Following are the terms of reference of the working group :

i. To review the existing policy on foreign inflows, other than Foreign Direct lnvestment (FDl), such as foreign portfolio investments by Foreign lnstitutional lnvestors (Flls)/ Non Resident lndians (NRls) and other foreign investments like Foreign Venture Capital lnvestor (FVCI) and Private equity entities and suggesting rationalisation of the same with a view to encourage foreign investment and reducing policy hurdles in this regard while maintaining the Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.

ii. To identify challenges in meeting the financing needs of the lndian economy through the foreign investment. Foreign investment for this purpose to be understood broadly and can include investment in listed and unlisted equity, derivatives and debt including the markets for government bonds, corporate bonds and external commercial borrowings.

iii.To study the arrangements relating to the use of Participatory Notes and suggest any change in the policy if required from KYC and other point of view

iv. To re-examine the rationale of taxation of transactions through the STT and stamp duty.

v. To review the legal and regulatory framework of foreign investment in order to identify specific bottlenecks impeding the servicing of these financing needs.

vi. To suggest specific short, medium and long term legal, regulatory and other policy change; in respect to foreign investment keeping in view the suggestions of expert committee reports such as the Committee on Fuller Capital Account Convertibility, the Committee on Financial Sector Reforms and the High Powered Expert Committee on Making Mumbai an International Financial Centre.

vii. Any other matter the working group may consider relevant.

Comments of industry associations, bodies and individuals on the issues involved are invited by 10th February, 2010.#