The dreams and the needed activities to realize them pushed to background all thoughts of religion, gods, spiritualism and religiosity though it did not terminate reverence for religion. It is a source for identity to denizens in all cultures. Messages were loud and inescapable reality five decades ago but he kept himself immersed in the backroom activities of the party. He executed all external needs for the Somnath to Ayodhya Rath Yatra of Lal Krishna Advani in 1990 though media did not notice it. Impressed by his ability, Advani pushed his name, so far unknown figure, to take over from Keshubhai Patel as the Gujarat chief minister in September 2001.
The communal flare up within six months of his taking over the new assignment that took 1700 lives in three weeks of rioting invited a barrage of accusations of his being a communalist. The sustained campaign and media support to it provoked the nations of European Union to shun him and America to declare him as unwelcome visitor. It necessitated him to adopt the path of only economic advancement of Gujarat as the basic essence of his governance. He adopted global investment festivals to overcome the public condemnation as communally biased. Even not a fraction of the promised investments signed under Memoranda of Understanding came to Gujarat but real purpose was not to get investments but to erase the impressions based on media calumny.
He has ability to immediately grasp effective ideas but no patience or tolerance for democratic debates or collective ideas. He may be right as collective debates are always coloured by wide variety of personal or narrow group interests. His intolerance is reflected in his style of functioning. No other minister in Gujarat for 13 years or the central minister for the last five years has dared to publicly or even privately give vent to his or her ideas. It leaves an impression of the system becoming dictatorial rather than democratic.
He is also indulging in sharp shooting. He depended entirely for his 2007 assembly election on the voluminous report of the international financial consultant firm to claim as its certificate for achievements of economic growth of the state in previous five years under his guidance and rule. In the fine print the firm stated report was the claims by the state government. They were still under the process of verifications. Entire volume caused an erroneous impression as if it was the report by the firm under its certification. The emerging fact is that he depended for his political advancement entirely on claims of his march on the road of the economic growth of the state and won mandates thrice.
Only after the Special Investigation Team of the Supreme Court exonerated him from accusations of his involvement in organising attack on the house of the former Congress Member of Parliament Ahesan Jaffrey in Ahmadabad in 2002, he looked up to the national dais of the BJP that had no capable leader to lead the party in the electoral battle even to retain its strength in the outgoing House. He was determined to fill vacuum by winning attention of young generation that cultivated dreams of economic future without seeking divine blessings. He visited three major locations to display his grasp of economy and real needs without depending on traditional politics of promises of charity. He successfully generated waves of his popularity as new messiah who will deliver real economic utopia for he was advocating replacement of poverty with dignity of life.
The young in the party cadre were mesmerized to demand him to lead the party. Like him, they had also remained unimpressed by the heavy load of controversial issues in the party agenda that had consistently failed to get a standing or even leg space in the political arena. The penchant demand held out a concealed threat of a breakdown unless demand was heeded. Only few old timers like Lal Krishna Advani could see through the pantomime. The Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat saw no harm in new experiment though not with high hopes of success. The unprecedented results stunned everyone so much that NaMo was able to introduce his system of subordinating the political structure to allow him direct and complete control of the administrative structure.
He was given first warning through the managed defeat of the party in the Delhi polls. His chosen candidate to be the chief minister was also defeated in the safest constituency. Within a month Mohan Bhagwat served first directive to return to the old BJP agenda or to say his assertion was to reestablish the supreme control of the Sangh on the NaMo regime that was openly advocating the Gandhian path. NaMo preferred not only to maintain silence but also to continue with his set priorities. He was keen to earn the international image to overcome his pilloried image of a non secular person. His globetrotting immediately after the takeover and secular nature of his addresses to huge audiences of immigrant Indian middle class settled abroad to seek more economic comforts and escape from the Python grip of corruption at home indicated his quest for new image.
Even in the stormy election campaign for 2014 he did not camouflage his intention of the one man rule. His election material left no one in doubt that he is not seeking the party rule but his regime only. Again after hibernating for 3 years under the Sangh pressure he is again seeking vote for his rule to leave no doubt what he intends to do after he wins. His intentions hold a threat to the party and its mentors.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2019-05-04 16:37
Narendra Modi was certainly an ardent disciple of the Sangh training to run away from his marital responsibility to fit in criterion demanding unmarried status of its trainees. Yet he defied another basic rule that enjoined upon trainees to shun independent mind and merely follow dictates of their superiors in the Sangh. His lust for learning and craze to visit different lands was so over powering that he spent days with people in different lands to imbibe the basic urge of young in every developing society was the dream of life with economic comforts.