As on date, the National CDM Authority has accorded Host Country Approval to 1467 projects. Out of these, 469 projects have been registered by the CDM Executive Board.

If all the 1467 projects as mentioned above get registered by the CDM Executive Board, it could attract approximately US$ 6.15 billion dollars into the country by the year 2012 through scale of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) Certificates.

As per Kyoto Protocol, only Annex-I Parties of the UNFCCC have quantified emission limitation reduction targets. Developing countries including India have no such obligation to mitigate emissions and accordingly no target is set.

India does not have emission reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol. However, CDM projects as mentioned above, if registered by the CDM Executive Board, have the potential to reduced 615 million metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent by year 2012.#