According to Ecology Global Network 55.3 million deaths occur every year. As per the International Labour organization (ILO) estimates 2.02 million ie 3.6 per cent of total deaths each year occur from work-related accidents or diseases globally. A further 317 million people suffer from work-related diseases, and there are an estimated 337 million fatal and non-fatal work-related accidents per year. The suffering caused by such accidents and illnesses to workers and their families is incalculable. In economic terms, the ILO has estimated that 4 per cent of the world’s annual GDP is lost as a consequence of occupational diseases and accidents. According to Indian Population Clock in our country 9.7 million deaths occur every year. Out of this nearly 48000 workers ie 4.8 per cent of total deaths every year happen due to occupational accidents. The construction sector contributes 24.20 per cent of the fatalities. Many of these tragedies are preventable through the implementation of sound prevention, reporting and inspection practices.

India has a work force of about 54 crore people. Despite the fact that they are engaged in the productivity and development of the nation, they remain marginalized as far as healthcare services are concerned. Most of them are in unorganized sectors, who are devoid of any social security benefits. Nearly 3 per cent of them are in government departments and public sector enterprises. Only they are covered under social security. Among the rest work force small number are in formal economy while vast majority, 93 per cent, are in the informal economy. Other than Government and public sector employees, only about 11 per cent of the total work force is covered under the social security schemes. Thus occupational safety is an issue of utmost importance.

The WHO had suggested that the ‘national policy frameworks for workers health should be formulated taking account the relevant international labour conventions and enact legislations to the effect. These should include establishment of mechanisms for inter-sectoral coordination of activities’. This is important because the impact on health in different sectors is different. Those engaged in mining are more prone to the diseases related to exposure to particular substance they are surrounded by. Those in nuclear industry face hazard of radiation exposure. The hospital workers are exposed to infectious diseases. The construction workers are more likely to meet traumatic injuries. The sewer men are exposed to waste material and poisonous gases. The methods of prevention, treatment and compensation also vary accordingly. Particular attention has to be paid to high-risk sectors of economic activity, and to the under-served and vulnerable working populations, such as younger and older workers, persons with disabilities and migrant workers, taking account of gender aspects.

Unfortunately the draft Labour Code on OSH & WC approved by the cabinet recently does not effectively address the concerns of the health safety of the working population. It has failed to address the primary issues of effective enforcement as also coverage of the larger sections of the Indian workforce.

The central trade unions point out that the Labour Code fails to address the universality of coverage. The code should cover all workers irrespective of nature of employment contract. Apprentice /trainee too must be covered as they too are exposed to various risks as they are part of the work force. Because of little experience they are at a higher risk than regular employees.

The proposed labour code practically over-looks the concerns of workers employed in the non-registered establishments which accounts for over 93 percent of the total establishments / workers. The OSH concerns all the employees and workers. Exclusion of any group of workers or employees including supervisors and managers from its coverage is unethical.

Other categories of workers, such as agriculture workers, domestic workers, sewerage workers, salt workers, security guards, forest workers, Information Technology (IT) workers, courier workers, Aanganwadi workers, etc. should also be included. There should be a specific chapter addressing the concerns of women workers.

If the workforce is not provided a clean, hygienic environment, potable drinking water and other such facilities, they cannot be expected to work to their optimum potential. The trade unions further point out that an even more serious issue is when the establishments don’t show the full workforce on their records and many workers are just not there’ on the records maintained by the establishments. A visit to place of work and the accommodation in the industrial areas proves the point. The decision makers must realize that without a healthy workforce working in a conducive environment and guarantee of safety and health, productivity will be hit badly which will be detrimental to the interests of the country, the society and the employers. (IPA Service)