The boast attains credibility more for the reason that the opposition has failed to effectively counter the claims of the party and expose the misdeeds of the failure. It was felt that Sarju Roy, the cabinet colleague of Raghubar Das, turning rebel and publically charging Das of being involved in corruption would change the political contour of the state. But it does not appear to be happening.

One thing is absolutely clear that while the BJP has managed to keep the voters a passive silence, the opposition has not succeeded in making them speak his mind. Even in the constituency from where Das and Roy are opposing each other, it is difficult to comprehend the public mood. The public attitude in interiors, particularly in Adivasi dominated areas are not perceptible.

Adivasis turning minorities in their own areas of dominance is also having an adverse impact on the political scenario. Baring a dozen of constituencies they are not in the position to impact the election in a major manner. In fact the BJP is projecting this stance of adivasis as endorsement of its political line, administration and strategy. It is claimed that the tribal population is happy with the functioning of Das government.

Ever since creation of Jharkhand, Raghubar Das is the first chief minister in the state to complete a full tenure. This is being projected as the sign of stability. The fact of the matter is during his five year rule Das has institutionalised corruption and provided enough space to the corporate sector and the BJP supporters from other states to rampage the tribal areas. A number of protest rallies and agitations were held during these years by the adivasis to protect their lands from being handed over to the steel companies and corporates like Adani group.. But Das was unfazed. He and his party BJP now no more intend to send the message that they are sympathetic to Adivasi cause and are dependent on them. This was the reason that the BJP severed their relation with the AJSU.

The government encroached on the fundamental rights of adivasis on Jal, Jangal aur Zamin (Water, forest and land. Opposition parties have been accusing the BJP of trying to amend the CNT (Chotanagpur Tenancy Act) and SPT (Santhal Pargana Tenancy Act ) which deal with the land owned by tribals in Jharkhand. This is a sensitive issue. BJP has been countering all such allegations. Poll results will show BJP’s popularity among tribal voters.

Though not so pronounced, Raghubar Das’s unpopularity with Adivasi following his attempts to amend tenancy laws is a major reason of worry for the BJP. It forced even Narendra Modi to hold rallies and reach out to them in his election. Significantly the nationalism narrative which was an important issue during Lok Sabha elections has taken a back seat here.

The JMM-Congress-RJD alliance have forged a coalition but how far this will succeed in breaking the BJP strangle hold is not clear. The state had an unhappy tryst with coalition governments. The major reason for people maintaining passive attitude is the reign of terror let lose by the saffron brigade and its vigilantes.

Seventeen of the 44 people lynched across the country between May 2015 and December 2018 were from Jharkhand. The state has earned the dubious distinction of being the state where largest number of lynching has taken place. Though the state accounts for around 40 per cent of such casualties, the saffron brigade and especially the rulers are not willing to accept this fact. Even Narendra Modi has denied this charge and gave a clean cheat to Jharkhand BJP and its government by saying “it was wrong to call Jharkhand an “adda (den)” of lynch mobs. “Is this fair? Why are they insulting a state? None of us have the right to insult the state of Jharkhand,” Modi told the Rajya Sabha.

With socialist and secular forces completely in disarray, the people do not have courage to unite and fight. None of the criminals were punished. Even one union minister embraced them and offered garland. This is a clear message; criminals are the lords, rulers.

Obviously when the state cannot be held responsible for the atrocities and cold blooded murder of innocent Muslims by saffron vigilantes, it would be a tough proposition to make lynching an election issue. Jharkhand administration has been simply trying to portray the case of lynching as a simple case of criminal activity. The state has been trying to curb such activities through bureaucratic means by issuing “circulars”. Not accepting lynching as a major crime has been primarily the reason behind the state not implementing several key elements of the Supreme Court’s guidelines issued in July last year to deal with lynching.

The state government is responsible for law and order but it is not taking steps which need to be taken for putting an effective check on mob lynching incidents. POLICE is cohort of the criminals and police and obviously the common people cannot expect them to help them. In many lynching cases of Jharkhand, it has been seen how the police neglects the victims, especially while ensuring immediate medical attention for victim, which has resulted in deaths.

Leaders of political parties are treading cautiously. Congress manifesto promises a stringent law to deal with cases of lynching, but there is tactical silence on the ground. Leaders of political parties say it is prudent to avoid such topics. The silence of the Congress and other parties on issues like lynching is disconcerting for the Muslim community but they understand and appreciate electoral compulsions. (IPA Service)