India has been witnessing a popular peoples’ resistance to the Narendra Modi’s CAA, NRC and NPR. At least 26 persons 24 in UP alone, have lost their lives. This is for the first time in India a month long peoples’ movement has been going without participation of the political parties.
Uttar Pradesh is the only state where 26 persons have been killed. Even the top cop has been resorting to illogical and stupid argument to justify killings. The other day he said most of the people were killed in cross firing between the protesters. Strange he tries to argue that while one group was protesting the other was opposing them. Obviously it raises the question if at all what he says is true, then the other group was creation of the police. Did they resort to violence at his instruction?
For Yogi all protestors are “Islamists” or “urban Naxals” and they deserve to be taught proper lesson. With the aim to silence the voice of dissent Yogi has directed the administration unleash a reign of terror. His idea of collective punishment is a mechanism to provide it a legal cover. IN his rule there is no place for public discourse. Any one daring to speak sane is maligned as anti-national,
An insight into the entire episode would unravel that they have been working on well defined mission and plan. They have been aware of the challenges they would be facing in their pursuit. For them the idea of looking back is pariah.
It is utopian to believe that the Pradhan Sewak of the country, Narendra Modi would take a step backward for assuaging the hurt feelings of his countrymen, listen to their wails and help salvage the trust from being a victim to the raging hatred and mistrust.
Modi and his worthy lieutenant Amit Shah nurse the view that any nature of relent at this stage would prove to be detrimental to his class and communal interest. It would jeopardise the interest of the RSS.
With the overwhelming majority he is sure to continue to rule India till 2024. He does not face any threat to his chair. Obviously he could have behaved like a statesman and reversed his decision. But it does not appear to be happening. The month long protest also manifest that he has been losing his charm and charisma. But he is at all bothered of this. There is no ambiguity that a person like Modi would stake his credibility and image for some small gain. Tactically he can adopt a flexible stand as he does not faces the threat of losing power and being unseated. But he wont.
The primary reason for his obstinacy and stubborn attitude is his compulsion to fulfil the instructions of the RSS. Any retreat would not go well with Sangh parivar. He would not be able to fulfil the wishes of his RSS masters, to convert India into Hindu Rashtra within the time frame set up it. He is under RSS instruction to accomplish the task of tabling resolution for conversion of India into Hindu Rashtra before his term expires. In electoral politics no one is invincible.
In this backdrop his launching civil war on its own people is certainly not a big issue. It would be naïve to construe that the Pradhan Sewak is not aware of consequences of their moves. The fact cannot be denied that Shah is primary responsible for creation of the present crisis and violence the country in engulfed. Shah is not tired of reiterating that the citizenship would be implemented at any cost.
It is irony that Modi and Shah have been finding it difficult to defend their actions but they speak lies to justify their actions. Modi-Shah combination has created such a situation where the local and state satraps are vying each other to identify themselves as the yes-men of the two leaders. The outstanding performer has been the chief minister of UP, the state which has witnessed worst type communalised police action. In his pursuit to appease his masters he is shredding away the established norms and rules.
What we are witnessing today is even worse than the Indira’s Emergency. During Emergency people were hopeful of sane voices being heard. But it is beyond comprehension under ruling dispensation.
It is really pathetic to watch that people are swayed by simple anti-Congress rhetoric of Modi. These people have found out panacea to all the malaise in the accusations of Modi. He has been successful in maligning the Congress to such an extent that Congress is responsible for the present mess.
One feels ashamed when these people do not ask questions; what happened to demonetisation? Why is the country such nature of economic slowdown? Why is there loss of jobs notwithstanding Modi promise to create crores of jobs? Why is there increase in unemployment? Why are the daily wage earners turning unemployed? What is the reason for aggravation for agriculture crisis? Why are the poor and labourers joining the ranks of homeless? Why is the number of self-employed decreasing? What happened to the New India?
These are the questions which should torment them, But no, they are simply satisfied with his insinuations against Congress and feeding them with the capitalist sense of nationalism. Behind the façade of this nationalism they have been carrying out repression on the people opposing their machinations. \
Even after twenty days of the protest, their language and words continue to be the same: Arrogant, intolerant and self-eulogy. Modi has identified the current protest movement as anti-national. People do not have the right to dissent. Any one daring to do so will have to be ready to face state repression.
The obsession of Modi-Shah with citizenship issue has been so acute that India’s insult and derision amongst the global fraternity does not matter for Modi. Most of the global countries have turned sceptical of the intentions of the Modi government and even questioned the approach of Modi towards Muslims. Recently the external affairs ministry directed the Indian diplomats abroad to improve the image of the country. The ministry launched an initiative to reach out to foreign countries.
It is indeed a matter of shame for the government that the people are not ready to take the government at its word; they have even told the highest functionaries that their clarification did not carry conviction. What is most unfortunate is the government on its part has not bothered to erase wrong impression from the minds of the people. (IPA Service)
Arun Srivastava - 2020-01-04 15:43
People around the world have been worried of the rising tide of rightwing populism, nationalism and polarisation, but the situation is more alarming in India. The rightist forces are out to eliminate the liberal and democratic forces from the political scenario of the country.