CPI general secretary D Raja presented the report on Political-Economic Developments and the report on the Party Organisation. The report on the Party Organisation was the focus of the Special Session which was dedicated to Party Organisation. After intense deliberations, the National Council has decided the following campaign and struggles:

Nationwide week-long protest against the anti-people Union budget —– February 12 to 18, 2020

While the special session was discussing our proposal to have a countrywide protest against the Union budget, the left parties had a consultation on organising joint protests against the budget. The national council of our party agreed and the call for joint protests was accepted.

The left parties have called upon all their state units to organise these week-long protest in accordance with the concrete conditions prevailing in the states. The Left appeal is also being printed on inside page. Our Party must make all efforts to make these protests a big success by mobilising the people and making our presence visible and sizable.

Intensive Ideological and Political Campaign — February 22 to March 23, 2020

When the economy is in shambles, the BJP government has plunged the whole country into turmoil. The BJP-RSS combine has become so aggressive and is taking up all divisive issues to polarise and communally divide the people. Abrogation of Article 370 and snatching away the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir, and the CAA, NRC, NPR are all part of the sinister design of RSS to convert the Secular, Democratic Republic of India into a theocratic state. This is posing a grave threat to our Constitution, our democratic polity, federalism and secularism.

The situation therefore demands a massive countrywide campaign against the rightwing and fascist forces. The national council has decided that our party at all levels should organise a month-long ideological-political campaign starting from February 22, the day of the Royal Indian Navy Revolt in 1946 to March 23, the day of Martyrdom of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru.

As a part of our intense campaign the party has brought out three booklets each on Kashmir, Indian economy and CAA-NRC-NPR. All party units must ensure these booklets, if possible translated into local languages, reach all sections of the people, and make all members and branches aware of the developments and party’s stand on them.

Observe February 20 – A day for ‘Reason and Rationality’

On February 20, 2015 Com GovindPansare, our veteran party leader from Maharashtra, was assassinated by rightwing obscurantist fascist forces. The murderers are still not arrested by the government. Our party should observe this day by organizing various forms of activities.

Communist Manifesto

It has been decided to organise ideological campaign to commemorate the declaration of Communist Manifesto on February 21, 1848. When our class enemies question the relevance of socialism and the Left, the occasion must be used to give a fitting reply to them.

BKMU rally on March 20, 2020 at Delhi

The party has decided to extend full support to the rally of agricultural workers organised by BKMU. This is going to be a significant demonstration of the rural poor on their issues.

Membership Campaign

The recruitment and renewal of party members should be taken up and completed within the stipulated time. This year, the target is to increase membership by 20 per cent. When the party will celebrate its centenary, our target must be one million members.

The detailed report on the tasks to regenerate the party as decided by the special meeting of national council in the organisation report will be sent subsequently and soon.

Presenting the political and organizational report were presented D Raja said that since the last national council meeting held in July in Delhi, the economic situation of the country has deteriorated and the economy is in shambles. Unemployment has reached unprecedented heights and agrarian crisis has escalated along with rising food inflation and income disparities. The government was initially in denial about the slowdown in economy but now very reluctantly is accepting the reality. However, its pro-corporate, anti-labour and anti-farmer policies continue and the recent budget was a reflection of that.

A resolution against the anti-people and pro-corporate budget was passed in the meeting which along with other things. Privatisation of public sectors, particularly BPCL and selling of shares of LIC was condemned. The government has failed to realize its tax targets due to faulty GST and slowdown has affected collection of direct taxes, hence the government is selling the profit-making PSUs. This will harm the national interests and the government’s ability to deal with future crisis. During this period the government has been deliberately pursuing divisive agenda by abrogating Article 370, banning Triple Talaq passing of unconstitutional CAA and declaring nationwide NRC and NPR to create fear amongst minorities and poor sections of the society.

The special session noted said that all over India, particularly in the North-East and the national capital people have protested against this divisive agenda. Youth, students and women in particular are in the forefront of the protest and so far the government has failed to successfully implement the RSS agenda of making CAA, NRC as a Hindu-Muslim issue but the danger is still there as is shown by the incidents of firing in Jamia and Shaheen Bagh. The meeting underlined that the party along with other left and democratic forces has stood with the people to defend, secular democratic values of the Constitution to oppose the anti-constitutional act.

The whole of North-East is in turmoil, situation in entire Kashmir Valley is tense and thousands of people along with three former chief ministers have been put under house arrest. As per J&K Chamber of Commerce there is a loss of Rs 18,000 crores to GDP because of internet and transport shut down. Party demands immediate release of all those political activists who are detained, restoration of internet services and democratic process. Apprehension of North-East people about their identity has to be addressed. The meeting noted that that 1,500 people in Assam are arrested so far.

After intense discussion the special session adopted the report along with the one organisation stressing the need for a strong ideologically-oriented militant organisation. The members were enthused by the deliberation and went back with determination to rebuild a strong party to face and defeat the fascist RSS-BJP government. (IPA Service)