Government was under heavy pressure to replace these top officials along with the former Minister of Home, as they are being equally responsible for lapses in our national security in general and recent Mumbai terrorist attacks in particular.
It is worth mentioning here that top officials remained untouched despite security lapses.
One of the reasons given is that no action was initiated agaist them was mainly because most of them are going to retire in coming few months. But this is not the proper response against any official found to be erroneous in furnishing their duties, say many.
'If they are incapable of delivering the good, why should the nation suffer them even for a moment,' ask common people raising accusing fingers on the intentions of the Government.
However, officials in the Union Government say that Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta superannuates in March 2009, Intelligence Bureau Chief P C Haldar on December 31 this year and RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) chief Ashok Chaturvedi on January 31 next year.
'Search for officials for these post has already begun in one month advance before their retirement,' says an official defending government position.
Though Narayan was also under fire and even offered his resignation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spared him as he wanted him to assist in coordinating post-attack exercise to prevent recurrence.
Sources said that PM has also asked him to get a 'white paper' ready to be circulated to the world leaders exposing Pakistan's role in sending terrorists to attack Mumbai.
Narayan is known to be expert in handling international affairs more efficiently than the local affairs. Sources also said that more assignments are be given to Dy NSA Shekhar Dutt, a IAS and former defense secretary.#
Mumbai terrorist attacks security lapses
Rising fingers on top officials put pressure on government to replace them
Search is on for new faces for top posts
Andalib Akhter - 2008-12-02 17:33
NEW DELHI: With the resignation of Shivraj Patil from the post of Minister of Home, Govt of India, the Union Government is now intensely searching for suitable candidates for the post of National Security Advisor, Home Secretary, Intelligence Bureau Chief and RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) chief.