He did not react immediately to clamp lockdown in the country to stop the virus affecting the people. As he thinks himself as the most intelligent person in the world, he underestimated Corona. Even now there is no lockdown in the US. Without consulting doctors and medical experts, he prescribed hydroxychloroquine to people as the effective medicine for Corona. It is a dangerous drug for certain categories of people and is not supposed to be used without a doctor's prescription.

The US is supposed to be spending 8.6 per cent of its GDP on healthcare for its people which is a huge amount for 330 million people. India spends one per cent of its GDP for 1,300 million people. US GSP is much much bigger compared to India’s. The best of the hospitals, expert doctors, and extraordinary scientists are in the US. The largest number of Nobel prizes have gone to the US scientists.

But why has it failed to stop the Coronavirus? That is the billion dollar question. Reply is privatisation of healthcare in USA.

China after some big casualties could stop it. Vietnam, DPRK, Cuba and some countries ruled by the leftists could prevent Corona much better. Deaths are less in these countries. Infection is less till now. Possibly Corona may continue for a few more months. This trend may continue.

China has locked down by taking precautions. Labour from far off places were allowed to go back, or arranged for their food and salary. Now the lockdown is over. But the entire population is coming out with face mask. Sanitisation of offices and factories takes place twice everyday. Still in areas and flats outsiders are not allowed. Insiders are checked for their temperature everyday. All those who need to take lessons can take.

Cuba is a small country. Economically weak. But it not only defended the health of its people successfully, but sent doctor teams to 17 countries including Italy. Serving ones own people is understandable. But in such a dangerous pandemic period, risking their lives, Cuban doctors have gone across the globe to treat COVID-19 patients.

Anybody will appreciate their services but not Trump. He wants those countries not to accept Cuban doctors' help. Of course none cared.

He then asked for “hydroxychloroquine” medicine from India. India banned exporting medicine and medical equipment. Trump got furious. He threatened ‘revenge’ on India, if the medicine is not given. How dare he threaten a big country like India about revenge? Can he threaten any European country for not giving medicine? It is an insult to every Indian and the nation as a whole. Where are the trumpet beating leaders who teach patriotism day in and day out? Surrendering to the threat, Modi government promptly sent a substantial amount of hydroxychloroquine to the US. PM disappointed the nation by not reacting. But what about the humiliation to the nation? No protest! Not even a murmur! What a fall? India should learn a lesson to stand firmly on its ground against such uncultured bullying President like Donald Trump.

Presidential elections are due by year end in the US. Senator Sanders who was the candidate from Democratic Party was propagating Health Scheme for all in the US, which was opposed by the insurance companies and corporates. The money spent on health in USA will not be sufficient to provide health care to all. But it is not the case. More than 25,000 died in USA already and most of them are coloured people and poor white citizens who could not afford Corona treatment.

Donald Trump never wanted to stop the economic activity, including industries and enterprises as that will be a loss to corporates and business men. Even the construction work is still going on. According to ‘People's World’ magazine every day some workers are laid off as they were getting fever. This is inhuman.

To escape from the criticism before the presidential election he is blaming China that it is responsible for not sharing about Corona and its effects. He attacked WHO that it is China-centric and it failed in giving warning on time. In fact, WHO warned all nations including USA on February 11, 2020 about the danger of Corona and asked them to take immediate action. Trump never cared it. He took it lightly. At a time when he is supposed to take steps including lockdown, he and his wife came to India along with a big paraphernalia for a commercial tourism. He addressed one lakh people. The US always used all international organisations as its pawns as it is a big donor to them.

As WHO refused to play American game, he withdrew funds to them. If WHO had agreed to play the second fiddle to US, it would save him a lot of embarrassment throwing the entire blame on China for the US deaths. Probably he would have utilised it to demand billions worth compensation from China for its so-called fault. He is furious as his game failed.

He now blames China that it developed after joining in WTO taking advantage as a developed country. He does not want any other country to develop and give a challenge to it.

During the Trump period he ignored the international agreements with Iran and killed one of its top-most general while he was in Iran. He carried the dirty war against Syria, including helping Islamists to overthrow President Asad. He refused to implement international environment agreement, pushing the world to face dangerous environmental consequences. He withdrew the earliest understanding with Cuba continuing economic blockade and overthrew Venezuela government.

He intervened in Brazil and Bolivia destabilising democratic governments. He announced that he recognised Jerusalem as Israel capital raising new tensions in Palestine. He roused racism and discrimination against Muslims, Mexicans and Asians among others. He denied health-care to common people in the US. He is a war monger and a leader with bullying tactics. He is a headstrong representative of corporate capitalism.

As historian Ramchandra Guha said in one of his articles that Trump’s reaction will be a tragedy not only for USA but to the world as US policies will have its wider implications on most of the nations.

Donald Trump always used to say that he will restore the status of ‘America First’. It was first in many ways already. He made America first in Corona Virus and its deaths. Many people in the world look at him suspiciously, many more dislike him. But some people also like him and are appealing for his re-election. Those include Modi, who has done massive events in the US and India which served as Trump re-election campaigning platforms and now played along to Trump’s election antics using rumoured Corona solution at the cost of India’s prestige. (IPA Service)