But 2020 is different. The fight against old guards which was unleashed by Rahul Gandhi as the president of the party, has been consciously gobbling the party instead of strengthening at the grass root and making it more relevant in the prevalent political scenario. His resignation even could not provide ideological and political impetus to his friends and empower them. In seventies the young turks had united under the leadership of Chandra Shekhar but this time Rahul failed to provide them a concrete political line and dimension. They could not withstand the hegemonic onslaught of the old guards.
It was the balance of power and commitment to the Congress ideology and politics that the Congressmen continued to stick to the party. But it is not the same in 2020. The globalisation and economic reforms have completely changed the political contour of the party. It is the personal benefit that has been overweighing against the political gains.
It is strange to watch that Rahul’s comrades proved to nurse weak and fragile ideological commitment and conviction than the old guards. It is irony that the young comrade in arms of Rahul whom he loved and relied upon for strategical support and help betrayed him. And those who were beyond the periphery but owed their loyalty to him continued to remain with the party even during this crisis.
It is a known fact that Jyotiraditya Scindia and Sachin Pilot were his ear and eyes. They used to hang around together. Apparently Scindia betrayed him to attain his personal gains. May be Rahul’s rebellion mantra has inspired him to go the extent of splitting the party and wreck the political future of the party. Though he was feeling aggrieved at the style of functioning his previous boss Kamalnath, it is not clearly known what actually prompted him to commit hara-kiri. It is an open secret that a person like Scindia who was reared and raised under the shadow of the Congress culture would flourish under saffron ethoes. The situation for Pilot has been more confusing. If some benefit of doubt could be alluded to Scindia as some of his family members were hard core saffronites, Pilot has no such political pedigree.
It is absolutely clear that their association with Rahul Gandhi made them to behave like above the equals. This has in fact been at the root of emergence of power struggle between the old guards and the young guards. Friends till yesterday now expressed their desire to have a major share of the cake. Nursing desire is not a crime in the politics. But it be guided by the dictum of rationale. What they failed to comprehend that their battle against the old guards was in the embryonic stage and Rahul himself has been marginalised in the party. In such a scenario how far they would carry on their struggle was a matter of conjecture.
True enough through their actions both these leaders have let down their friend and comrade in arms Rahul Gandhi. The action of Pilot has turned Rahul Gandhi more vulnerable. Gehlot has managed to have his way but he has inflicted severe damage to the party and none else Pilot is responsible for it. Though Pilot said that he would not join the BJP, it has lost its thump. No one will be willing to believe it even at the face value. At least unlike his friend Scindia, Pilot should have acted in a pragmatic matter and instead of avenging actions of Gehlot should have weighed the political consequences and possible impact on his own future.
Patience is the key word in politics. Often turning impatient creates more problems than helping the person achieve his mission. BJP may make him the chief minister but how could he handle the fundamental contradictions that persists in the BJP. What is the guarantee that a personal like Vasundhara Raje Scindia would have allowed him to continue to be the chief minister for life time. The fact remains that the ground realities dictating the course of the BJP in Rajasthan would not have favoured him for long.
Continuing to work under Gehlot has its own limitation. But the fact cannot be ignored that Congress cannot provide much space to such ambitious leaders at this crucial when the party is fighting for survival. Pilot undoubtedly was in most enviable position. He was the dy CM and also the chief of the state Congress. A person like Pilot concerned to the ideology and programme of the party should not have turned impatient and over ambitious. He has become the victim of this twin factors. His seniors and old guards used his confusion to side line him. Gehlot winning the war of wits is not the end of the leadership tussle in the Congress. It is in fact, only the beginning of a new phase of the attrition within.
Gehlot directing the police to issue a notice to him besides serving it to Pilot has been the major part of the design to silence him. Pilot should have understood this and instead of taking as a personal affront should have acted in a more cautious manner. Gehlot must take responsibility for issuing of the bizarre notice.
Gehlot resorting to this modus operandi makes it explicit that Congress leadership is in shambles and unable to put the house in order. This is not the last incident to happen in the party. Many such events would take place in future if the Congress leadership does not muster courage and confronts the situation heads on. It has to put a mechanism in place to prevent a breakdown like this. Onne thing is quite noticeable the Congress leadership has failed to act with alacrity. It lost the opportunity to form the government in Goa due to this very reason. Madhya Pradesh slipped out of its hand as the leadership had adopted a passive attitude towards the developments in the state.
The leadership acted this time as there was a lot at stake. But once again they did not act fast. Sonia Gandhi and even Rahul Gandhi were waiting for the “right time”. Probably they would not acted if the prestige of Rahul Gandhi was not at stake. Fall of Gehlot government would have completely eroded the political relevance of Rahul. For the time being the prestige of Congress and image of Rahul have been salvaged. But the Congress leadership would have to be pro active if they really intend to make Congress a viable organisation and stop Modi from making India “Congress mukta.” The Congress must have a firm grip on the political developments.
Pilot’s rebellion has been temporarily terminated. How far his sacking from the deputy chief minister of Rajasthan and state party president will help the Congress is not yet clear but Congress must encourage and promote talented middle-level leaders who should be the faces of tomorrow. The leadership must tore apart the caucus that has been proving to be retarding factor. The leadership must send a loud message that it was competent to handle the crisis, guide the opposition forces and put up a fight against the BJP. Congress must come out of the self-destructive mode.
The leadership must admire and acknowledge in public the talent of its leaders and at the same time refrain from encouraging the hangers. The rank and file of the party nurses the lingering suspicion that Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi have sharp differences on the issue of old Guard and the younger guard divide. (IPA Service)
Arun Srivastava - 2020-07-16 17:01
Congress is systematically getting down to the trap of old guards versus young turks laid by Rahul Gandhi. In the seventies, when Indira Gandhi ruled the roost, the young turks dictated the course of the Congress politics. They were so dominant that Chandra Shekhar contested for the CWC berth much against the wishes of Indira and won overwhelmingly. Indira Gandhi remained a mute spectator. She had to accept the reality.