Outbreak of the pandemic emphatically proved that the RSS controlled BJP government is incapable and irresponsible, as far as the people’s issues are concerned. From the ramparts of the Red Fort the Prime Minister proved once again that his government is dumb and deaf to the most pressing sorrows of the people. If anyone expected some relief measures for the unprivileged millions, they were left totally disappointed. Deprivation and suffering of the common masses has no space in the agenda of the government.

It was after performing bhoomipoojan in Ayodhya on August 5 that he came to salute the national flag on August 15. Secular minded Indians wished that he might utter some healing words to pacify genuine anxieties that have sprung up in the minds of minorities. But Prime Minister was unconcerned about any such issues related to constitutional morality. As a true representative of the stream of thought which stood aloof from the freedom struggle, he believes in sidelining the constitutional principles which are part of the proud legacy of freedom struggle.

Being a leader who has nothing to do with the diverse experience of the freedom movement he could do only lip service to the great ideals of freedom, democracy, and social progress. The ideology and politics that molded BJP has taught him to skill the art of talking something and doing something else. In the speech Atmanirbhar Bharat was eloquently used by the PM in order to create an illusion that something is being done. In fact, the pulpit of the Red Fort was used by Narendra Modi to hide the disastrous course of action that they have undertaken in the name of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

The edifices of free India are being undermined under the cover of building the country for the 21st century. All the dreams of sovereign democratic India are entrusted to Foreign Direct Investment, that has become the driving force behind Atmanirbhar Bharat. The earth, the sky and all that makes India are mortgaged to the foreign capital, which would define Atmanirbhar for the people of India. The Prime Minister was conscious not to mention about the future of Indian public sector units in areas like banking, insurance, mining, defense, railways, civil aviation and space exploration.

Even though the millions and millions of unemployed youth are eager to know about the government's concern for them, no dependable assurance came from the Prime Minister. The youth of the country would feel that address as a wasteful exercise done on the most glorious day in a country's life. The government used the lockdown situation as an opportunity to impose all their regressive policies over a country in which hunger, unemployment, literacy etc. remain the pressing challenges, even after 73 years of independence. In the storage of his vocabulary the Prime Minister had nothing meaningful to offer to assuage the agitated minds of oppressed sections of people such as Dalits, Adivasis, women and minorities. They are again left vulnerable and continue to suffer.

The 74th Anniversary of independence was remarkable in one sense. It has proved once again that there can be no shift in India's growth trajectory under the BJP government. In their FDI driven development strategy profit alone is the concern, not the country and the people. The government was eager to write off 7.7 lakh crore of dues of the wilful defaulters, when it was reluctant to spend a mere 65,000 crores to extend a helping hand to support the miserable lives of the crores of people affected by Corona.

In the Corona haunted world, today India occupies a third place after the US and Brazil. Policy wise also Modi has joined the international bandwagon where ultra-nationalism, hate politics and misogyny are considered motive spirits. That development path can only be anti-people and anti-change. Concept of freedom, in its real meaning, has no place in this path of development. We the people of India are urged upon by our times to unite our ranks and continue the struggle for sovereign, democratic, secular, socialist India. (IPA Service)