In the Rajiv Gandhi era with over dominance of internal security concepts, every outsider, especially from Pakistan was presumed to be terrorist regardless whether infiltrator came to settle in better life conditions that India had. But they were immigrants without proper documents. Their intents were not verified as they had not entered through regular channels and as such became suspects. No one could guarantee their intent or ability to create violence if they could not have their meals easily.

No similar treatment was meted out to infiltrators in the East but they became burdensome to locals with their readiness to work at low returns. They were a boon to the middle class that could hire their service at the lowest payments but their presence became resentful for the lower classes for they were undercutting the prospect of employment of other citizens. Assam and Bengal have even otherwise higher proportion of poor illiterate Muslims mostly landless workers. Infiltrators were also mostly poor Muslims running away from their home land. Resentment became a communal issue by the time Indira Gandhi returned to power in 1980. The Assam economy like the Bengal could not absorb the shock of heavy infiltration. In Bengal a in other parts like Mumbai, the infiltrators could get jobs that local population was not willing to take up. In Mumbai or Delhi, most garbage picking jobs are with infiltrators from East Pakistan. Though they earn the lowest wages for their work, they are providing the essential service of keeping all major and minor urbane centres clean and without the reeking of an overpowering foul smell of garbage.

Even though their arrival or their infiltration was not welcome, the previous regimes did not identify them as infiltrators of even move to send back to their home lands. The two pressing considerations stood in the way. First it was not humanitarian to push them back to their certain end. Second was the inability of the official agencies to convince the Bangladesh government to take them back. There was no way to convince that they were infiltrators. It was impossible task as taking them back was accepting burden or their economy in addition it meant they were unable to protect their borders that few millions could escape in few decades. It also means the Indian forces also did not perform their tasks o securing her borders. The union minister Amit Shah before assuming the responsibility as the union minister had accepted had admitted that 2.3 million infiltrators identified in Assam would be deported back. Arrangements and modalities for deportment are yet not worked out and for three years, the state government has kept them in camp bearing burden of the relief camp to provide free food, health service, arrangements for education to their children. The infiltrators do not have to work and earn for their upkeep. Above all the government cannot arouse international sympathies like Indira Gandhi did for ten months in 1971.

The nature of infiltration on the western border is different and so also the solution is also different. After suffering four humiliating set back in the attempted resolution of ego problems of the Pakistani armed force, it has adopted technique of indirect war by training young in terrorism skills and dispatching them through infiltration to Kashmir. Not to be left napping, the Indian security forces also adopted a direct solution method. Every infiltrator is liquidated in the attempt to step on the Indian soil. In last three decades hundreds of attempts to infiltrate by men with heavy armloads were frustrated. As a consequence, young terrorists vent their aggressive tendencies inculcated in their training on the Shia factions of the Muslim population in Sindh Province of Pakistan. In last two decades more incidents of terrorism have taken more lives inn Pakistan than in India.

The Indian security forces had no alternative but to liquidate infiltrators as soon as they stepped into Indian Territory. No opportunity, scope or time leverage is available to verify the real intents of illegal entrant. May be many are using the terrorism training route to escape from Pakistan. This is free journey as the Pakistan authorities bear the entire financial burden from the moment of their selection to their crossing into the Indian Territory. The claimed number of liquidations of infiltrators suggests that by now nothing would be standing in Kashmir, neither humans nor any structure.

There as consternation accompanied with anger at Kashmir youth and young school children for raising loud slogans for freedom. It was a demand that as most misunderstood. Their demand was not for their separation from India. But freedom from excessively harsh treatment meted out to them. No Kashmiri looking young, regardless of gender was allowed freedom of movement by the security forces without rigorous verification process. Even young school girls were detained as if their being Kashmiri was their inborn crime. Slogans demanding freedom were to protest against humiliation of being Kashmir born to local parents.

The reaction in parts of India outside Kashmir, particularly asking Kashmiri students to go back to their homes in Kashmir bred even more resentment. But surprise was party assessed situation on way and the government dealt the blow differently. Kashmir people were deprived of their right to elect their state rulers by converting the state into a union territory. In a single stroke all people of Kashmir origins have been converted into being immigrants. Even if they produce valid documentation of their being Indian, people in other states will suspect them even more than suspicions for last seven decades. The suspicions for Kashmir people were the root cause in preventing their national integration. Now they are officially given status of immigrants.