The farmers siting at the Singhu, Tikri, Ghazipur and Shahjahanpur borders around Delhi in this harsh winter had several medical problems. Since the protestors are from all age groups right from children, middle aged to men and women of super senior age, their health problems also varied accordingly. High blood pressure, diabetes, stomach problems, respiratory problems, joint pains, stress, eye problems, ear problems were among the main issues they complained during various medical camps that we have been organizing on behalf of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) for two days every week. However the health concerns of the people during the tractor march were entirely different.

We were in the ambulance in the tractor march with all basic medical equipment to tackle medical and surgical needs. All the cases that we encountered were of trauma mainly due to the police action on the protestors. Anger and frustration is a natural reaction when the people are agitating for long without being heard by the authorities. At the Tikri border where our medical team was busy in giving medical aid, the march was peaceful. There were sudden lathi charge and tear gas at one spot where our team had to rush to help the injured.

Many of them got injured due to direct hitting/ blast of the tear gas shell or due to stampede or eye burning by the tear gas. Hands of two patients were very badly damaged because the tear gas shell blasted in their hands. There were patients with fractures of the arms and legs. One patient was extremely serious after being overrun by the tractor. He was unable to breathe and was profusely sweating. We were fortunate to have Dr Gagandeep Singh – a senior Orthopedic Surgeon with us who took care of these patients of trauma. Some of them were given anti septic dressings, pain killers and other required medicines. Two persons with fractures were applied splints to immobilize their limbs to reduce the pain. Serious patients were shifted for further management to the advanced hospitals.

This was a unique experience for the young doctors, nursing, paramedical and support staff. Spirit of the people volunteering for medical work was unprecedented. It was heartening to see the young volunteers running here and there swiftly to perform the job. The spirit to serve the sick and the infirm particularly the injured in such situations requires motivation to work for the needy. The spirit of these medical volunteers matched the spirit and motivation among the farmers who are in agitation for almost six months now. It appeared the medical volunteers who dedicate to the sufferings have much similarities with the farmers who are producers. This movement is a struggle between the producers on one side and the corporate on the other. Any attempt by the corporate to subjugate the producers and to get control over their lands which they consider as their mother will be resisted till the last breath.

It is unfortunate that there is attempt to hide the true picture of the events. Only some miniscule incidents, which cannot be overruled in such a large protest, are being over projected to tarnish the image of the farmers, who are poor but hard working people, always ready not only to feed the nation but also to send their sons and daughters to defend the borders. To label them as anti-nationals would be a disrespect to them and disservice to the nation which could have dangerous consequences.

It is satisfying to note that all the team members including Dr Arun Mitra, Dr Gagandeep Singh, Dr Monika, Dr Param, Dr Suraj Dhillon, Dr Gurvir Singh, Kuldip Singh, Anod Kumar, Swaroop Singh, Amninder Singh, staff of the Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarbha Dental Collage and Hospital worked hard during the tractor march to serve the injured. (IPA Service)