USOF, through this Scheme, shall provide subsidy support for augmentation, creation and management of intra-district SDHQ-DHQ OFC Network on the condition that it will be shared with other Telecom Operators at the rates prescribed in the Agreement. Assam has been taken up first for implementation. BSNL will implement the scheme in Assam.
This OFC Scheme would be undertaken on BOO model, i.e. build, operate & own basis, and accordingly, BSNL would build, operate, own and manage all the equipment/infrastructure for the provisioned intra-district augmented/created OFC Transport network to connect 354 total locations in Assam that includes 58 en-route/new locations, in addition to 269 SDHQs, in total 27 DHQs.
All locations shall be connected on physical OFC Ring Route(s) with the DHQ node ensuring the cable route diversity and ring capacity of at least 2.5 Gbps, with the capability to efficiently transport various protocols, including TDM, IP, Frame Relay, ATM, etc., for integrated voice, data and video signals in all districts of ASSAM within 18 months from the date of signing of the Agreement. The Agreement shall be valid for a period of seven years from the effective date.
At least 70% of the subsidized bandwidth capacity, created under the scheme, shall be shared with the licensed service providers in the area of ASSAM at a rate not more than 26.22% of the current TRAI ceiling tariffs.
Augmentation of telecom network in Assam
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-22 13:20
New Delhi: Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) of Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has launched a Scheme to provide sufficient back-haul capacity to integrate the voice and data traffic from the access network in the rural areas to their core network by strengthening the OFC network. This scheme considers OFC Network augmentation between the Blocks' HQ and Districts' HQ to begin with.