A top scientist in America accused China of generating the infecting virus in its laboratories and releasing it to be viral. China claimed its origins from fish market of Wuhan, its textile city. Visitors from Europe and America had carried home the virus before it could be detected and identified as corona virus. The government got repatriated more than 200 Malayali weavers by its Air Force planes. Only two of repatriated were suspected two weeks later as infected. The Kerala government had immediately put them in isolation.
Even though the rapidly spreading corona virus caused havoc in Europe and America, India showed no concern and the Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended two rallies in February 2020, with and fir the American President Donald Trump, one at Dallas in America and hosted one at the renovated stadium in Ahmadabad for Trump. He also repudiated his home minister at the public rally in the Ramlila maidan in Delhi for causing alarm and tension in minds of the Indian Muslims. Every action of the Prime Minister appeared to be in normal routines. 186 suspected infection in India till he decided on the night March 24 to impose the lock down of 40 days on all activities throughout India.
The Indian economy was already dithering for previous three years when he brought to halt wheels of industry, public and private transport system including air and cargo service. Though initial duration of the lock down was to be forty days, it continues even after 365 days due to several snags in making the wheels to rotate again.
A healthy and strong society is in better social relation with absence of criminal intents. On the pretext o maintain healthy social distances, everyone was told to stay home with locked main entrance not only to strangers but also to other relations and friends. This in effect was asking them not to trust even healthy close relations of years. If son and his family lived away for job convenience or for the family cohesion or married daughter came to visit her parents, the social distancing rule enjoined upon parents not to entertain them. The social distancing rules thus got converted into widening the distances within the family. Everyone was told to care for the self alone.
The Sangh Parivar strived for 95 years to establish dominance to religion in public affairs. The party for that the Prime Minister got the clear mandate for the first time in 15 elections since 1952 was fiercely agitating for a temple on the same site here the Babari Masjid was till Dec 1992. Yet NaMo not only stopped all religious rites but also put on a lock to temples. Yet there was no protest. Old could not go temples in as their young would not allow them to risk their lives through movement in an unsafe environment. Young had lost the interest in adulation of unknown entities. They had twice voted for NaMo even though he had relegated to the bottom the religious issues that were the hall mark of the BJP politics for a quarter of century. Nearly one third of the electorate was constituted by those born in the last decade of the previous century.
Young school children will never forgive over the year long closure of educational institutes as part of the lock down exercise. By closure of schools, they were deprived of their world. Children do not go to school only for academic learning of variety of subjects. In the period they spend in the school, it helps hem o develop their intelligent capabilities for they acquired values, good and bad in others, they learn from older students what to accept and what should be rejected.
Dr. Howard Gardner claimed in his book Multiple Intelligences that there are nine varieties of intellectual capacities. In school years, young discover their special qualities and abilities. Some students flourish as singers and others discover their ability to play musical instruments to enthrall themselves and entertain others. Few discover their dancing skills while others realize their flourish in handling variety of sports. Few students shine up in all academic subjects ad rare phenomenon is flourish only in one subject.
Learning from the prevalent social environment around is not predetermined. Young cadet may see the same behaviour pattern for days and suddenly new interpretation strike to accept or reject it. Most child psychologists agree that child begins to assert independent beliefs on attaining age 12. From eighth standard onward child begins to assert for independent thinking as individual. The academic learning introduced as distant education through internet does not provide same thrill and fun as the class room teaching does s every student had in immediate proximity friends and not so friendly.
As ear of corona virus gripped leading to closure of schools, private schools resorted to deliver lessons through air. The virtual visibility of lecturers could not impart knowledge in same was through computer screens. Atmosphere of class room was missing. It provided the opportunity for critics to exaggerate facts. UNICEF concluded 25 crore poor students suffered due to access to teaching through internet. There not even 2.5 crore students from economically weaker or deprived families. They did suffer loss of a year. So also did students from economically better class as all have lost a year in their making as an intelligent human being? As a normal routine, poor suffered more.
The times in period of panic over the pandemic in all nations and responses of the rulers once again established superiority of nature over humans. With all their scientific progress, availability of technologies they could not fight and contain an invisible tiny speck. China responded with cool head while world leaders showered a blame for creating a tiny speck to bring rest of the world to its feet. The world scare over the pandemic has confused everyone. Their confusion is reflected in the precautionary measures they insist one. Wear a mask to maintain social distance, and if mask is a compulsory and statutory need then why distance of six feet from other person? Or why stop all activities and stay inside home. If that is so why curfews or why the lock down? The insistence for three different kinds of vaccines at specified intervals reflects only lack of confidence. IT shows nature is supreme. China merely used the inherent fear complex to gain.
Vijay Sanghvi - 2021-04-16 08:18
The year 2020 of the Christian era would be noted by history as the year of China and its superior strategy of allegedly terrorizing the rulers of 190 nations of the world and respond in panic. Without wasting a single bullet, it allegedly used the tiny and invisible but infectious germ to make most rulers across to respond in panic even though they have more advanced scientific and technological ability than their predecessors who had to face epidemics without advantages of advanced medical sciences.