The centralized processing centre at Bengaluru is now fully functional and processing around 20, 000 tax returns daily. This initiative aimed at reducing the physical interface between the taxpayers and the tax administration and to speed up procedures and processes, will be taken forward by setting up two more centers during the year.
The Income Tax department is now ready to notify SARAL-II form for individual salaried taxpayers for the coming assessment year.
The proposals related to indirect taxes are focused to achieve a further degree of fiscal consolidation without impairing the recovery process and moving forward on the road to GST. Project ACES-Automation of Central Excise and Service Tax, has been rolled out in the country. This will impart greater transparency in tax administration and improve the delivery of taxpayer services. Budget proposes to expand the scope of Settlement Commission in respect of Central Excise and Customs so that certain category of cases that hitherto fell outside its jurisdiction may be admitted.
India: Tax administration reforms taken forward
Special Correspondent - 2010-02-26 10:23
New Delhi: The General Budget 2010-11 has carried forward the process of reforms in tax administration in the country. The citizen-centric initiative “Sevottam†which was launched as a pilot project at Pune, Kochi and Chandigarh, will be extended to four more cities this year.