They go around spreading by all means of communications available that people who have taken the vaccine route and not the natural immunity route will be dependent on “booster” shots with every new variant born. It is like “addiction to the needle”, they say. “Because you need endless injections just to stay current, since viruses constantly mutate in the wild.”

Anti-vaxers in the United States and the United Kingdom believe that a vaccine-dependent person will have to live in perpetual fear of new Covid-19 mutations. They are livid that “vaccine passports” are reserved for this “most vulnerable” lot, the vaccinated, and denied to the “natural immunity” sort. This “plandemic”, they say, is “designed” to keep spreading the coronavirus so that lockdowns and mask/vaccine-mandates continue to chain human beings to a claustrophobic way of life, part of a planned depopulation drive favoured by the globalists, the anti-vaxers say with their hands over their hearts.

Truly, the coronavirus and Covid-19 have caught the entire human race in a conspiracy theory which won’t go away till as long as there are mutations and constant supply of new Covid variants. Now, after the second Covid wave, which killed in the tens of thousands and put at least one government that we know of in the dock for not anticipating its deadly intent, there is talk of a third Covid wave round the corner with newer variants to boot humans to the boot-hill. The Delta-plus variant is already making its presence felt in over 80 countries including India.

Yet, the anti-vaxers complain, "vaccine passports" are handed out to the vaccinated — the “most vulnerable”, according to them — and to not those who have natural immunity, which is far “more powerful”. The anti-vaxers consider the likes of Dr. Antony Fauci as “power-drunk medical tyrants”, people who “invoke new variants” at will to maintain their hold on the populace. “The failure of their own vaccines creates the very conditions that give them the power to take away yet more human freedoms,” the anti-vaxers say. “Always with the same calculated lie: ‘If you just take this vaccine, then you’ll be safe and free’.” The anti-vaxers believe that the authorities will never declare/announce that the “pandemic is over” because the virus will not stop mutating, and because the “vaccines don’t really work.”

To us, the hoi polloi, the uninformed great unwashed, we’ll always be in perpetual doubt because there will always be the anti-vaxers, the Prashant Bhushan kind, who will drum into us with every new Covid wave unleashed that “bro, you are now part of the problem because you went and got yourself vaccinated. They fed you a lie and now you’ll never be free of the medical tyrants.” Prashant Bhushan cited an AIIMS-IGIB study to buttress his point of view that vaccines don’t do zilch.

According to Bhushan, the study showed little efficacy on 63 symptomatic patients who had been complaining of high fever for 5-7 days. And that of the 63, 53 had been given at least 1 dose of Covaxin and the rest at least 1 dose of Covishield; 36 had two doses. The health ministry did not refute Bhushan and neither did AIIMS. Only Twitter labeled his tweet "misleading news", but what's the difference between "misleading" and "manipulated"?

India’s anti-vaxers rely on the fact that the Delta variant can infect people even after they have received two doses of either the Covaxin or Covishield vaccines. This is according to separate studies carried out by the AIIMS and the National Centre for Disease Control. The problem for the man in the street, or in the makeshift hall where free vaccines are being doled out, is that there are no credible counter-voices to be heard.

The Modi Government and its plethora of busybody agencies have failed to inform the general public that what Prashant Bhushan is tweeting is hogwash, bunkum. To tell the truth, the truth and the only truth, the whole truth, Prashant Bhushan, for all his great and good counsel, has gotten away with murder. The Government should have made an example of him for all to take note of, and be warned of. The Government should have lined up a phalanx of doctors and vaccine experts to drum it into the people that Prashant Bhushan and his tribe of anti-vaxers are a clear and present danger to the human race. (IPA Service)