A broad and higher service motive was inherent part of subdivisions into caste system as per allotted vocation also reflects their wisdom. The unscrupulous did add their self interests by wrapping their real intents as religious discourses resulting in injustice to others who devised the science based social construct of division and subdivision. Though they did not elaborate but the danger of pollution is clearly reflected in their scheme of the Varnas and the vocations based caste system.

The social division was dictated by dire need for maintaining the health and rate of growth. It got converted into a rigid, permanent and prejudicial caste system. It was easy to distort it to convert in assured services to cater to needs of only the upper strata regardless of humiliation of persons delivering the services and not compensated adequately.

The science and laws of nature continue without a change ever since the process of evolution produced humans in their present shape. They are being led through garden path with claims of new scientific achievements. It is merely unwrapping of existing for ages without clear comprehension. New equipments and gadgets cause the false impression of innovations over the past. It is overlooked that equipments devised to serve humanity become the cause of servitude as man cannot move even step without them.

India is a land of inhabitants of several varieties of cultures as reflected in differences of their apparels, their food habits and their language but only common factor was, is and will continue to be their faith is same deities and pilgrimage centres. Other uniformity was in acceptance of social construct based on division in four Varnas.

In every province, Brahmins are at the top as their living and functions brought them in least contact with pollution. Second Varna became the fighter community Kshatriya as their fighting brought them in contact with others. It was considered to be cause of more pollution. So also was the inherent danger in their need to keep their weapons in good condition of usage. The third Varna was formulated by Vaishya means trading community and agriculturists. Their functions had more risks of pollution, but the fourth Varna Shudras’ life was immersed in polluting dangers as their vocations exposed them to grave dangers of fatal germs.

They were forced to live outside and away from the main settlement due to their function entailed danger of their clothes and bodies carrying the infecting germs. Some functionaries were not allowed even to enter main settlements except in periods of broad sunlight. Caste system was later innovation to perpetuate availability of manpower for each variety of work to keep the settlement free of dangers of pollutions. Not only traffic from one vocation to other was prohibited by terming the caste to be permanent from generation to the next to ensure manpower for each function. The theory of caste was attributed to karma in previous birth in other words ordained by the Almighty and fate.

The caste system was merely a wrap to cover reality to enable higher Varna people to have essential services at virtually no costs. To eliminate possibility of protest the lower classes were convinced it was god ordained and were kept illiterate by denying right to education. Thus caste system was merely a false wrap. Nearly ten percent population we identified as Tribal or Adivasi or original and perpetual inhabitants survived without the caste system exigencies to prove the caste system was merely a wrap given by the greedy and needy to serve their interest.

Yet they could not overcome nature imposed hardships. The urban population has crossed the mark of 28 per cent. The rural population is 72 percent. Half the Rural population has no easy access to water. The women in several villages have to fetch water from distances. Naturally villagers have no facility to use closed toilets near village without proper sewage for the disposal of dirt. They knew not other methods to avoid the resultant pollution. They converted inability to advantage of fertilizing open spaces. It is treated as obnoxious habit particularly by urban inhabitants travelling by trains to see so many squatted in open fields. Planners were drawing the development plans in their rooms in Yojana Bhavan without feeling or realizing need to regulate. The air conditioning comfort needs forced them to work from the closed rooms. They remained blind to real needs. A documentary by the controversial writer Salman Rushdie effectively presented the unbridgeable gap.

Renuka Chowdhary voluble politician from Andhra Pradesh and minister of rural development in Narsimha Rao team built public toilets in six villages of her constituency to wean away villagers using open spaces around as their toilets. Sadly she had to encounter the difficulty due to lack of constant flowing water supply. Most urban dwellers get water from piped water supply system. Nearly three lakh villages suffer acute water shortages. Women from these villages fetch water from distance of three miles.

She could not force people to use unclean toilets. Hence she had to order the closure and demolition. She, a tough female, was in tears while narrating the personal experience. She had to admit that without ensuring availability of water, the efforts are futile to force people to not use open spaces. Her tears were expressing her defeat in fight with nature.

Now the NaMo regime claims boastfully that the government constructed 40 million toilets throughout country. But it seems to be merely a wrap to please him. The greater achievement is in ensuring the water supply in three lakh villages that face water shortages. But claims either by the centre or by states do not even mention the erasing of main difficulty of water supply to villages that suffered for at least few centuries. Moguls had not even thought of and the British had not cared for and the several regimes since independence were engaged in attending to other needs. Now the NaMo regime has wrapped in beautiful package the unbelievable claim under a kind of different boast. Is it not surprising that no one claimed credit for a greater achievement of reaching and delivering water at the door steps in three lakh villages? Was the claim of forty million toilets construction was merely to earn credit to please the Prime Minister and allow him to earn the international repute as the most forward looking politician of India.