Though Bhagwat’s preaching was in the backdrop of Hindus converting to other religions for marriage. He felt that this was wrong and was happening for small selfish interests. Nonetheless before coming out with his verdict, he should have done some introspection, tried to find out the reasons for Hindus refusing to abide by their religion and tradition.

While blaming the Hindus it must have come to his mind that of late Hindus have turned ardent devout, all kind of religious festivities and worships are organised regularly. It is like 24 pujas being performed in 12 months. The Hindus are donating handsomely for constructing temples instead of setting up high schools especially for girls. Hindus must feel proud for having illiterate girls. In this backdrop his accusation that Hindu families are not paying attention is absolutely not politically and ethically correct. Since the family has turned devout Hindu, it would certainly have positive impact on the kids and wards. But the worry is it is not happening.

The fact of the matter is an ordinary parent is more worried of the prevailing situation. Bhagwat must face some hard facts. The Hindu families are degenerating due to the communal politics practiced by the Organisation he heads, the RSS. The leaders of the front organisations of the RSS have been enrolling the youths for propelling their mission. HINDUTVA has turned out to be a mere political tool to muster support for the BJP. The prime mantra of the front organisations has been “Hindutva is in Danger”. The new entrants are taught to sacrifice for protecting Hindutva. Obviously this directive attains much importance than the advice of a parent.

It is an open secret that during last ten years a large number of incidents of lynching has taken place, the people who have refused to listen to the threats of these vigilante groups are thrashed and even killed. The cadres are being trained to behave like a gang of mercenaries and goons. Some scholars have also expressed apprehension that the future of the Hindu youths are being ruined.

Since Bhagwat is concerned of the deterioration that has crept into the Hindu society, one would certainly like to know from him what he has done to clean the society of the mess. It is always easier to find fault than coming out with the remedial panacea. It is well known that sons and daughters of many top BJP leaders have married Muslims. Why Bhagwat does not suggest them to divorce their wives or husbands. Why Bhagwat is not moving a resolution to ban such marriages by the sons and daughters of the BJP leaders. Why he is not coming out with the order that any leader whose son and daughter marries a Muslim would be thrown out of party. Does he want to suggest that the sons and daughters of BJP leaders who have married Muslims have committed sin and have turned anti Hindu. If that be so he must ask the leaders to purify their houses by throwing out these sons and daughters out of their houses.

One feels pity at the observation of Bhagwat “How does conversion happen? How do our girls and boys embrace other religion? For small selfish interests, for marriage. It’s another matter that those who do it are wrong. But aren’t we preparing our children”. A closer look would reveal that he has been speaking the language of UP’s Rajput chieftain Yogi. Bhagwat must be aware that the Hindu religious epics are full of stories about upper caste warriors and even Brahman scholars married out of their castes. Nonetheless I would like to bring to notice of Bhagwat that it is the urban middle class which prefers such marriages. They are incidentally the vote bank of BJP.

Instead of giving the Hindu parents a lessons on morality, Bhagwat should instruct the vigilantes to refrain from breaking the Hindu families not turn an innocent Hindu boy a goon. If this is not stopped Hindu society would lose its identity and existence. Did he ever think that why the women keep away from the RSS events. Bhagwat’s clarification is certainly not a plausible reply “The aim of RSS is to organise Hindu society. But when we organise RSS programmes, we see only men. Now if we want to organise the whole society, then it has 50% women”.

Women is the creator and obviously they have a big role in mending the society. In this background RSS has been committing greatest crime by keeping them away. Does not it reflect RSS mentality of treating women as second class citizen? One thing is absolutely clear that the social and political institutions of the country have been destroying India. The RSS has been nursing biased attitude and approach towards the minorities, especially the Muslims and Christians. The latest attempt of Bhagwat to blame the Hindu parents for all the ills is a ploy to hide its own faults.

Let us take one small case that took place on October 10 in Mangalore. St Aloysius College (Autonomous), a 141-year-old Jesuit institution, had planned an event to have a signboard declaring it the 'Fr Stan Swamy Peace Park'. It was the internal programme of the college. While the college was busy preparing the programme, the Sangh organisations moved in and objected college naming campus park after Stan. Their objection was Stan was an “anti national”. This is the most ridiculous and deplorable allegation. No court of the land had any stage found him of being anti-national. Narendra Modi’s NIA did not prove him guilty and anti-national. He died in custody on July 5 after nine months of acute physical suffering in prison.

The colleges had decided to put a sig board declaring, inside its private property, the park as the “Fr Stan Swamy Peace Park”. One fails to make out why Hindu vigilantes should object to it. It was bot infringing their religion. This is purely the sign of arrogance and hatred. What will be future of the community built on hatred and arrogance? Meanwhile about 100 progressive organisations and individuals have expressed support for the college and urged the district administration to act against those resorting to intimidation.

The letter reads; “They have absolutely no right to interfere in the goings-on of the private institution. These organisations have a stated purpose and history (of) violence, communal divisiveness and subscribe to an idea of our country, with scant regard to the Constitution and the rule of law”. The signatories include the People’s Union of Civil Liberties, Campaign to Defend Democracy, All India People’s Forum, journalist P. Sainath, educationist Anil Sadgopal, rights activist Harsh Mander, Clifton D’Rozario of the All India Lawyers’ Association for Justice.

A question arises what kind of future Hindu generation Bhagwat intends to create? The activities of vigilantes make it explicit that Bhagwat has no control on his own people. Obviously what advice a person can give to common Hindus who does not have control on his own cadres. What kind of moral and cultural ethics the new generation will borrow from the RSS cadres? In a situation like this obviously neither the Hindu society nor the Hindu parents could be blamed for degeneration of the society. How can a person who does not have the basic ethics of respect for others could be expected to respect the people from his own society. (IPA Service)