They are encouraged by the formula adopted by the NaMo government to deal with the corona virus Instead of encouraging citizens to confront the aggressor the government adopted to convert them. They were virtually forced to remain locked inside their homes though not more than half a million were suspected to be infected. In a land that suffers 95 lakh facilities a year, with fatalities less than a percent, the authorities had shown more panic. It may appear that the lockdown was not solution but diversion. The Prime Minister was meeting a different kind of challenge.

Most young would not agree with me that the corona virus was not the pandemics but it had to be made to look like a serious threat to meet other challenge. On conclusion of the annual event the Sangh chief declared on March 10 2020 at Ranchi the disassociation of the Sangh with NaMo regime. He could not stop at it with declaration but follow it up with consequent and sequential action to confirm the snap. Such a threat made NaMo to initiate his steps to prevent him from going ahead.

The infectious corona had been active since November 2019 and was already havoc in Europe and North America but NaMo was attending to Trumps’ strategic needs of the American election due in November 2020. NaMo suddenly woke up and put India under the Lockdown. The fabricated statistics to maintain semblance of a serious threat were continued to pour in.

In 21 months no one even pointed out the strange phenomenon. The infection was confined mostly to urban centres of economically advanced states. Most of the population was of timid middle class and easily frightened for life Ten million poor including workers lost their jobs with their families had traversed long distances on feet without prescribed precautions for safe social distances but without the serious consequences of getting infections. Why did the infection distinguished between poor of backward states and middle class of advanced states? It does not gel with logic.

India is not the only country to use the infection for the administrative easiness. Others also could do it without inviting wrath of other people. Following India other administrations copied to suppress the freedom of their people. The worst was the closure of schools for two years even though not a hundred students were mildly infected from among 35 million. Most parents want to end severe punishment to young but timid do insist on continuing the closure.

In such difficult times few groups are continuing their wayward ways to express intolerance for other religions. From thousands of years the futility of religious intolerance has been on display. Karen Armstrong has written more than nine books to prove it through her extensive research.

Most of confrontation were out of misunderstanding or contorted interpretations like the Vatican declaring the Islam as religion of swords in 1090 AD and sending nine charades for annihilation But the Muslim world withstood but their replay action turned the enmity forever. The Christ world and the Hebrew faith became enemies forever under the mistaken belief that Jesus Christ was killed by Hebrews. Hindus and Muslims were cohabitant in India for seven hundred years and neither forced the other and seventy years after peaceful cohabitation, the Hindu minds are now being polluted with several misconceptions like more children among the Muslim sections are disturbing the population proportions. They are credited with potential though they did not achieve it for seven centuries despite their controlling the political power.

The interesting question is why they did not use their power when they had to bring about the changes or force the conversions. The fact remains the proportion of poverty is more and intensive in Muslims than the majority. The fears are merely a part of propaganda to maintain tension and distance in two the sections as their beliefs and not realities are important for them. Lal Krishna Advani had said once beliefs are more sacred for such minds.