“The Quartet believes these negotiations should lead to a settlement, negotiated between the parties within 24 months, that ends the occupation which began in 1967 and results in the emergence of an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian State living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its neighbours,” the group said in a statement issued after their meeting in Moscow.

The Quartet, comprising the UN, the European Union (EU), the United States and Russia, reiterated its call on Israel and the Palestinians to act on the basis of international law and on their previous agreements, particularly adherence to the Roadmap - the plan championed by the Quartet and which calls for two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.

“The Quartet urges the Government of Israel to freeze all settlement activity, including natural growth, dismantle outposts erected since March 2001; and to refrain from demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem.”

Last week the group issued a statement condemning Israeli moves to expand settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory of East Jerusalem, after the Government approved plans to build 1,600 new homes there.