The body said that the Vedic traditions are on the verge of "extinction" due to the progress of western culture. "The dazzle of western civilization has made our culture and heritage almost forgotten," the Board stated. As per the Animal Welfare Board, owing to its immense benefits, hugging cows will bring emotional richness and increase ‘individual and collective happiness’. "Therefore, all the cow lovers may also celebrate February 14 as Cow Hug day keeping in mind the importance of mother cow and making life happy and full of positive energy," the statement added.
This appeal for observing February 14 was later withdrawn due to public outcry but the statement expresses the views of the ruling establishment and it needs to be analysed scientifically as earlier too the issues have been raised about the use of cow urine and cow dung as cure of several diseases.
Ms. Pragya Thakur, BJP member of Parliament from Bhopal had claimed that her cancer was cured by cow urine. Dr. S.S Rajput, a surgeon at Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences in Lucknow however confirmed that he had done three radical operations to get her rid of the cancer of the breast. The doctor’s statement exposed the claim of Sadhvi about cow urine as a cure of her breast cancer.
There was lot of talk of use of cow urine as cure of Corona virus infection. The cow dung too has been claimed to be possessing qualities to cure Corona infection. Even more it is being claimed that the cow dung is a powerful protection from the nuclear radiations in case of nuclear war. So much so it has been claimed that cows exhale oxygen therefore breathing the air exhaled from cow will cure several diseases.
Science is based on evidence and is always ready for debate and amenable to suggestion. It is not dogmatic as many believers are. Modern scientific system of medicine enhanced the knowledge gained in the past and developed the health care system further on the basis of new scientific innovations. Anatomy and Physiology made us understand the basic structure and functioning of the life systems. Our body has an elaborate system to utilize whatever is needed and to excrete those materials which are either not required or are harmful. It is a common knowledge that part of the food which we consume is digested and rest is excreted through the gastrointestinal track. After the food has been metabolized in the body, other waste products are excreted in urine.
It is therefore important to compare the chemical composition of urine of cow and human beings and to prove on evidence the usefulness and superiority of cow urine for human health. Urine is a liquid produced by the kidneys to remove waste products from the bloodstream. Basic composition of cow/human urine are Water, Urea, Sodium, Chloride, Sulfate, Potassium, Phosphate, Creatinine, Ammonia, Uric Acid, Calcium, Magnesium. Since the composition of human and cow urine are similar, it is difficult to believe how cow urine is useful for human body?
Information under RTI was obtained from the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, government of India about the usefulness of cow urine for human body. They replied that “the information is not maintained by this CPIO of cattle Division”. Simultaneously same information was sought from the Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana. The information received from 22 departments of the GADVASU denied any such information with them. It is worth mentioning here that GADVASU, Ludhiana, has been ranked first among the 14 state veterinary universities in the country, as per the ranking of agricultural universities and research institutes conducted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, for 2016-17.
The claim that exhaled air from Cow is useful stands no scrutiny if we examine the content of gases in the exhaled air. When we exhale, the composition of the air remains almost the same as the air we inhale, only the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen changes. The amount of inhaled air contains 21% of oxygen and 0.04% of carbon dioxide, while the air we breathe out contains 16.4% of oxygen and 4.4% of carbon dioxide. This is true for all animals. That is why it is recommended to give mouth to mouth respiration in case of serious emergency as part of resuscitation if no other equipment is available.
We should love not only the cow but all life forms and try to preserve them. Nature has given us an eco-system whereby a balance is maintained. The statement on cow hug day is full of contradictions. It has been said that we should preserve our Vedic culture. It is unfortunate that the scientific body like the animal husbandry department has forgotten that life is a dynamic process. We have Vedic culture as past with due respect and learning from it. But the life has moved ahead. No one can go the life style that we had even 25 years ago what to talk of ancient times. Science is for all humanity. Those who talk of Vedic culture and ancient times are using modern gadgets developed in the west by modern science and lead life in ‘western style’. They do not wear ‘Kharawans’ instead of shoes nor do they wear the dress as worn during the Vedic days.
The whole propaganda about cow in the recent period is connected to the Hindutva Agenda of the RSS and its outfits. The whole game plan is to spread obscurantism, exploit people’s faith and use it for political ends. Having failed on all fronts these forces are now spreading such myths.
One gets happiness from any pet that one possesses. Maximum happiness and strength however comes from hugging fellow human beings and care for the people around. Animals are a ‘Pashu Dhan’ to be cared for in that sense. Humans are our own species.
As we learn that the order to observe 14th February as Cow Hug day has been withdrawn, we must be cautious that the forces of obscurantism will come out with some other idea. Let us not forget that these forces made the Ganesha statue drink milk in 1995, convinced the people to bang thalies or clap to get rid of corona virus infection.
It is high time we develop and spread scientific temper which is the basis for sustainable development as per modern times. (IPA Service)
Dr Arun Mitra - 2023-02-11 10:56
The cow is in picture again, this time with the approval of competent authority and on the direction of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairy. With emphasis on aiming to celebrate the 'Vedic tradition' and the immense benefits a cow possesses, the Animal Welfare Board of India has urged people to celebrate 'Cow Hug Day' on February 14 which is celebrated as Valentine's Day. "We all know that the Cow is the backbone of Indian culture and rural economy, sustains our life, and represents cattle wealth and biodiversity. It is known as "Kamdhenu" and "Gaumata" because of its nourishing nature like mother, the giver of all providing riches to humanity," the Animal Welfare Board informed in a statement.