Arjun Pradhan emerged victorious clocking 02:32:50, Vipul Kumar finished second in 02:36:07 and Vinoth Kumar S came third in 02:40:42.

In the women's category, Jyoti Gawate lifted the title in 03:17:31 sec Ashvini Madan Jadhav, who clocked 03:17:38 and Aasa T.P, with the 03:18:58, finished second and third respectively.

Sherin Jose emerged victorious in the half marathon in the men's category after clocking the time of 01:14:36 hours. Ankur Kumar (01:21:07) and John Paul C (01:23:07) finsihed second and third respectively in the men's category in the Half Marathon.

With regards to Women's Half Marathon, Reeba Anna George, who clocked the time of 01:39:38 hours emerged victorious while G Gayathri (01:47:25 hours) and Gowri S (02:00:34 hours) finished second and third respectively.

In the 10K Run, Anand Krishna (00:35:15) Manoj RS (00:35:49) and Ajith K (00:36:41) finished first, second and third respectively. While in the 10K run, Swetha K (00:42:34) Nithya C.R (00:44:14) and Arya G (00:47:12) finsihed first, second and third respectively in the women's category.
Over 6000 runners from 20 states across India participated in the Federal Bank Kochi Marathon 2023, in the four categories - Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K Run and 3K Green Run.