Thus, the day, 15th of August, became the most luminous day in the history of India. To mark that day, our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru outlined our ‘tryst with destiny’ in his historic speech. The very next day, on 16th of August 1947, he declared from the ramparts of Red Fort that “the free flag of India is the symbol of freedom and democracy not only for India but for the whole world.”All the Prime Ministers in our history tried to follow that glorious legacy to make Independence Day speeches contentful, inspiring and introspective. However, ever since Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister, Independence Day speeches began to become hollow and sometimes, even meaningless. His speech on the 77thIndependence Day was no different, to quote Shakespeare ““full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
While delivering his speech from Red Fort, Narendra Modi completely forgets that he is the Prime Minister of the biggest democracy in the world. He seldom considers the fact that his words have to represent 140 crores of Indians and their aspirations of a bright future. Prime Minister Modi, bringing disgrace to the high office he holds, has made this solemn occasion to deliver his typical political speeches, which could be made by any spokesperson of the ruling party. It was much ado about nothing.
In the latest edition of his Independence Day address, the anxiety and panic of the PM was evidently visible. Independence Day was being used as the occasion for political forecasting when he claimed that he will deliver the next year's speech also. People could see how frightened he is regarding the 2024 elections. The Prime Minister seems to be utterly unsure that he is trying to hide his agonies and uncertainties with high sounding words and rhetorical techniques. The PM was covering his colossal failures in all walks of life by saying that India will become the world's third largest economy. Such unfounded claims could only urge the people to make a comparison between his earlier promises and the ground reality.
It was not accidental that the Prime minister did not spend much time to discuss about the legacy of our freedom movement, on the very day we attained freedom. In his heart of heart, even Narendra Modi knows that the political stream that he represents had no role, even as a spectator in India's eventful and diverse battle against imperialism. Hence, he concentrated on his usual style of rhetoric. In world history one can find certain leaders of the same feather who resorted to empty words unrelated to deeds.
The Prime Minister wanted make himself believe India has produced wonders under and due to his rule. He was eager to make others to think in those terms as well. The reality of the country compel the people of India not to fall prey to this kind of propaganda gimmicks. When the prime minister was boasting about 'Viswa Mitra and Viswa Guru' the citizens of his country are passing through very testing times. The whole of North-East is under turmoil with Manipur being its epicentre. Narendra Modi owes an explanation to the nation for his conspicuous silence for months together when Manipur was burning. The women of Manipur who were forced to parade naked will remain a question mark before all his claims of developed India. In the Human Development Index, our country stands at 132nd place. Prime Minister was boasting about one IMF report in the Parliament. According to the same IMF, India’s ranking on per capita nominal GDP is 139. In infant mortality rate, countries from the sub-Saharan region fare better than India.
The promise of two crore jobs per year is a proven lie and our young generation is staring at a bleak future. Price rise has destabilized the living conditions of all sections of people. Still, our rulers do over time job to depict an India with five trillion-dollar economy before the world. Their promises like 'Sab Ka Saath and Sab Ka Vikas' are lying in the dustbin of aborted assurances. The political speech delivered by the Prime Minister on the august occasion of the Independence Day was a pitiable show by a failed politician to garb his colossal failures. It once again reminded the people the urgency of coming together and fight for a new India. (IPA Service)
Binoy Viswam - 2023-08-17 14:14
The month of August calls upon every Indian to recall the unfading saga of great struggles and heroic sacrifices. This is the month that brought the long-awaited freedom to our people. Our long-drawn freedom struggle was an unparalleled one where various streams of struggles, from Satyagraha to Armed Revolt, flowed together and merged to liberate us from colonial clutches. The struggle was against the mighty British Empire over which the sun never used to set. The protagonists of colonial oppression believed that the aim of Indian people to attain freedom was unachievable. But the people’s desire for independence from colonial yoke was so intense and zealous that, they united and achieved what was seemingly impossible.