In the observation that remained unblemished through centuries, and commanded the highest respect that continues even today, it said, “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. The emphasis was also clear that it was theory, revolutionary in content and practice both that should be leading the struggle till the end through contradictions, negations and assertions. Dialectics, coming from the great idealist philosopher Hegel in a ‘mystified form’, Marx had assimilated it as in ‘rational form’. Dialectics with its unity and struggle of opposites, includes the negation of the state, of its breaking up, as imperative as is its existence, continuing in fluid movement, keeping change alive through eternal motion.
It was the same fluid movement that had made liberal banker Laffitte say when he was taking his companion, the Duke of Orleans in July of 1848, after the July revolution in France, “From now on, the bankers will rule.” The comment of Marx was “Laffitte had betrayed the secret of revolution.” The French bourgeoisie was not in power, but one faction of the bankers, stock exchange kings, railway kings, owners of coal mines and forests, all of those called finance aristocracy had ultimately come to rule.
The industrial bourgeoisie was the official opposition, a minority among the opposition. It rings a bell. Dialectical process enters the new stage, repeating, but at a new level, preserving something from the old and discovering new. Evolution continued its course. Marx had said in his “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, that in the long course of development, in a series of revolutions in the modes of production, and in exchange, modern bourgeoisie also moved and accumulated capital. With every step forward, there was also the political advancement corresponding to the leading class. The bourgeoisie, historically played a most revolutionary part and put an end to all that was feudal and patriarchic.
The only relation that remained between the humans was bare self interest and cash payments. The brutal form of exploitation came to light as it was no more indirect. Every occupation lost its grandeur and turned into wagelabour. Labour itself became a commodity sold at a price decided by the buyer. There is concretization emerging between two classes as the antagonism becomes fiercely clear.
The Manifesto thus defines the class divided society and the struggle between them. It also points to the finality, as “A spectre is haunting Europe –the spectre of communism.” He also asked, “Where the opposition has not been branded as communistic by its opponents in power?” Marx also points toward the colonial regimes of terror like in India itself where even the bones of the labour were bleached white, ‘gradually extending the exploitation of wage labour’ forcibly excruciated.
Force becomes central in the process speeding up the capital accumulation and turning itself into economic power, illustrating as he said in his Capital vol. 1, “Force is the midwife of every old society, pregnant with a new one. It is in itself an economic power.” It has been pointed out in the Communist Manifesto, that the political tasks of the communist parties are democratic in nature and they must relate to the common masses. The Manifesto also stresses on the need for a program to bring together other political parties too that are democratic in nature.
The Communist Manifesto was prepared for the Communist League, a party working underground that Marx and Engels had joined in Brussels, but they opposed the secrecy in which the party was working. As a result Communist League came in the open.
The Manifesto was prepared to meet a purpose. It was generally felt that there has to be a small booklet identifying the principles that were to be followed. The task was accomplished with great success and is still relevant for those who are committed to this cause. It has also to be applied internationally because the working class itself has a task to perform and that is to liberate the exploited masses in the world. The working class of all countries need to come into the folds of Socialism, which is scientific and international. It has to be a formidable force to fight against the common enemy, which is the new stage of capitalism, the Finance Capital.
Marx had also pointed out that among all socio- economic formations, in capitalism, the change has been much more compared to others, both in quantity and quality. Hence there has been great transformations taking place all the while. It has its effect on the super structure as well. The character of class struggle itself goes through change. It has to be concretized with precision. (IPA Service)
Krishna Jha - 2024-02-29 11:49
It is the 176th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto, a program for scientific socialism, a guide for change. On February 21, 1848, Communist Manifesto was published in London. It was prepared by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. The duo were the forerunners of scientific Socialism. The historic task was accomplished with its prophesies. The writing was started in Brussels itself where the Communist League was functioning from underground. Karl Marx had been banished from Belgium as he was writing about the injustices the toilers were facing in that country and also in entire Europe and the world. He had to shift to London and the Manifesto was published from there.