But no, President Joe Biden’s wife Dr Jill Biden isn’t ready to come "tumbling after". On the contrary, Joe has Jill’s back and there is no way Jill will even attempt to convince Joe to give up the broken crown. As far as Jill is concerned, those who are clamouring for Joe’s towel in the ring, post the debate debacle on June 27, they can go take a dunk in cold water.

More and more democrats are calling on Joe Biden to get off his high-horse. Quite a few are betting on Vice President Kamala Harris. Indian-American Nikki Haley says 'God Save the USA' if Harris takes the crown. Haley is a closet RINO – ‘Republican in Name Only’. And Haley watched the Trump-Biden debate from her South Carolina home, perhaps praying Biden beats the living daylights out of Donald Trump.

Then, Nikki would have willy-nilly got another shot at being the Republican nominee. But Trump knocked Biden out of the park and Haley is now offering unsolicited advice to both Biden and Trump. She told Trump to be ready to face a “younger democrat”, but Biden won the primaries and all the delegates thereof. Biden will remain the Democratic nominee unless he quits on his own. Nikki Haley’s obituary for Biden hardly counts in the democratic party.

There are bigger and more legit persuaders trying to convince President Joe Biden to let go of the ‘American Sengol’. But Joe has a dislike for honourable exit. He also has former President Barack Obama’s back. Obama’s faith in Biden’s ability to beat forgetfulness and a tendency to wander off-stage is touching. People forget that Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s Vice President for the full eight years.

Now, Biden doesn’t want to be robbed of his “eight years”. Two presidential terms is the limit and Biden wants his quota of eight. But whoever thought Joe would flunk the debate test and ‘Liar Don’ would walk away with the kudos. The Biden White House is convinced Donald Trump doesn’t deserve another four years in the Oval Room. And despite a Democratic Party in panic, Joe isn’t relenting. Instead, the Biden White House is doubling down on Joe’s resolve to stick around till all hell freezes or the heavens come down.

President Joe Biden has a devoted bunch of diehard backers. But it is Dr. Jill Biden, whose faith in her husband’s capabilities runs deep, who is his bulwark. Jill has been by Joe’s side for 47 years and the two can communicate with their eyebrows! Jill Biden is dead against anybody deciding for Joe. As far as Jill knows Joe, his mental acuity is of top quality and his trepidatious walk doesn’t need a debate to jump to judgment.

Reports say the Biden household sat down for a reckoning and the decision was President Joe Biden should not and will not abdicate. And but for the fact that Dr. Jill Biden is a non-violent person, there would have been hell to pay, all around. The advisor role in Joe’s life is open only for Biden family members — Jill Biden, son Hunter Biden and Hunter’s sister, Valerie Biden. Of them, Hunter Biden is the most adamant President Joe Biden doesn’t bow to pressure.

Among President Joe Biden’s critics are a bunch of newspapers including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, even elements in CNN, which had held the “disastrous” debate, and an array of influential media personalities. Off late, after their advice to Biden went begging for a response, the media have painted a target on Dr. Jill Biden’s back.

“Jill Biden and her potential power are suddenly being thrust into the spotlight like never before,” a website wrote in an editorial. And Jill’s involvement in Joe’s campaign and his decisions is being questioned. The 81-year-old Biden couldn’t have stumbled at a more inopportune time. Very prominent people are asking for Joe Biden’s scalp.

But, says Jill Biden, “Joe isn’t just the right person for the job. He’s the only person for the job.” And then, she told Vogue magazine, “We will continue to fight...Will not let those 90 minutes define the four years he’s been President.” In response, the New York Post featured Joe in an unflattering photo with the caption “Vague.”

People are not blaming Biden anymore, they’re going all out after Jill Biden. One billionaire investor and donor said this of Jill Biden, “The first lady becomes irrelevant the moment her husband is no longer president.” Another media outlet had this to headline Joe’s wife Jill, “Cruel Jill clings to power.” Cruel. Savage. Merciless. (IPA Service)