Spending in social sector has been increased to Rs.1, 37,674 crores, which is 37 per cent of the total plan outlay in 2010-11. This has been done to fulfill the commitments of inclusive development. Added to this, additional 25 per cent of the plan allocations has been earmarked for development of rural infrastructure. It is learnt the Government intends to strengthen further the process of inclusive development with the growth and opportunities that may be generated.

As for the Ministry of Minority Affairs, the allocation has gone up from Rs.1000 crores in 2008-09 to Rs.1755 crores in 2009-10 and to Rs.2615.37 crores in 2010-11. This is, however, pittance proportionate to the population of minorities. Nevertheless, something is considered better than dismal allocation before 2004-05.

At the same time, welfare of minorities has been prioritized as pontificated by the Government. The Government has accepted most of the recommendations of the Sachar Committee. Special programmes aimed at social, economic and educational development of the minorities have been launched. These include: pre-matric scholarship scheme, post-matric scholarship scheme, merit-cum-means scholarship scheme, free coaching and allied scheme, multi-sectoral development programme, equity contribution to National Minorities Development Finance Corporation, grants-in-aid to Maulana Azad Education Foundation, and Prime Minister's New 15 Point Programme for ensuring welfare of minorities—benefits of various Government schemes and programmes reaching the under privileged and disadvantaged sections of minorities.

Three new scholarships schemes have been started and are under implementation. The Government expects more than 40 lakh students to benefit from these schemes in the ongoing Eleventh Plan. At least 30 per cent of such students are girls. The Prime Minister's new 15 point programme aims to ensure that at least 15 per cent of benefits in certain schemes flow to minorities. Such schemes are being closely monitored by the Prime Minister's Office. Under this programme, additional school rooms, drinking water supply schemes, anganwadi centres and houses are being constructed.

With a view to improving the access of minorities to bank credit, the Government has set the target that at least 15 per cent of the priority sector lending goes to the minorities. During 2008-09, data for which are available, more than Rs.82,000 crores of bank credit, under priority sector lending went to the minorities. This represents 12 per cent of the total priority sector lending. The Government expects the priority sector lending by banks to the minorities to improve in the years to come.

In view of inadequate representation of minorities in Government services, the Government has taken steps to correct the situation. As a result, the share of minorities in Government jobs has increased over the past three years. According to a latest official data at the end of March 2009 i.e. the financial year 2008-09 following the implementation of Justice Sachar Committee on improving lot of Muslim minority, out of a total recruitment of 64,066 in Railways during 2008-09, 5,307 were Muslims representing 8 per cent, followed by 5,878 out of a total of 15,030 in Government banks representing 39 per cent, 7,262 out of a total of 60,517 in Central Para Military Forces representing 12 per cent, and 3,341 out of a total of 22,387 in Central Public Sector Undertakings representing 15 per cent.

The entire foregoing for the wellbeing of minorities looks good only on paper. However, the ground reality is altogether different. As a matter of fact, all such goody and well intentioned welfare programmes are victims of built-in prejudices against the minorities. As a result, desired benefits are still elusive to the minorities. Allocations for minorities are utilized at the implementation stage by the State Governments. There are large scale reports of transfer of such funds to non-minorities by the District Collectors with the connivance of the state authorities. A group of Urdu editors and NGOs have reported the matters to the Prime Minister. The State Governments also fudge data in this regard. Besides, make-believe utilisation certificates are sent to the Centre. It seems welfare of minorities is a mere tokenism and not intended for proper implementation.

Prevailing prejudices against the minorities have been admitted by the Government of India from time to time while setting up of the National Commission for Minorities, National Minorities Development Finance Corporation, Maulana Azad Education Foundation, issuing Reserve Bank of India Instructions to Government Banks for Priority Lending to the Minorities, Government's Instructions to Ministries/Departments/Public Sector Undertakings to increase intake of minorities in their wings, constituting a dedicated Ministry of Minority Affairs at the apex, setting up of Justice Sachar Committee, acceptance of its major recommendations, the Prime Minister's new 15 point programme for the welfare of minorities etc Because of prevailing prejudices against the minorities on the ground desired benefits are not accruing to them.

Solution lies in earmarking separate funding on the pattern of Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes, Tribal Sub-plan for proper accounting and quantification and reservation of 15 per cent of jobs in the Government for minorities as per recommendations of Justice Rangnath Mishra Commission Report, if the Government is keen to improve the plight of minorities in the country.

Even much touted Equal Opportunity Commission, a watchdog for development of disadvantaged and deprived weaker sections including minorities, which was to be set up with big fanfare during the first 100 days of the current UPA-2 Government by the Minister for Minority Affairs Salman Khurshid, has not seen the light of the day. The Government seems to be dithering. So is the Government vacillating over the Communal Violence (Prevention, Control and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2005, still pending in the Rajya Sabha not withstanding repeated announcements and so-called determined resolve of the Government!