The Following specific measures were decided upon at the initiatives of the Centre:-

(i) It was reiterated that State Governments should include representatives of Railways, Ports and Customs in the State Coordination-cum-Empowered Committees and nominate nodal officers for operationalisation of instructions issued by Railways, Ports and Customs towards effective regulation of transportation of mined ores at exit points.

(ii) The issue of bringing transporters, traders and storage agents dealing with minerals and ores within the ambit of regulation was discussed with State Governments It was agreed that for proper accounting of minerals, it is essential that they are registered and they report their transactions. Accordingly, Ministry of Mines is working out modification of Rule 45 of Mineral Conservation and Development Rule (MCDR), 1988 to give effect to the proposed measure.

(iii) Comprehensive instructions are being issued to ensure that modifications of mining plans are not permitted to regularize illegal mining and sharp increase in production attracts regular inspections.

(iv) The matter regarding ban imposed by the State Govt. of Karnataka on issue of transport permits for trade in iron ore was discussed in the meeting. Since the matter is subjudice, the Ministry of Mines is awaiting final decision of the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka. However, other State Governments stated that they had no such proposals for ban and felt that strengthening the regulatory system was sufficient to achieve the purpose.

(v) The draft report on restructuring Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) was discussed and State Governments were asked to give their suggestions. In this context, State Governments were asked to restructure and revitalize the State Directorate of Mining and Geology.