What is more significant is that Russia also this time has kept a low key position on the issue of Indian membership as a permanent member and it endorsed the Chinese position that both the countries looked forward to deepening cooperation with India in the Security Council during its two year tenure. That way there is no guarantee that even after the two year tenure of India, India will automatically get the support for permanent membership of the Security Council. The trilateral meeting has also brought about differences in the perception of the three countries about the security issue in the Asia-Pacific region. While China and also Russia certainly worked for a policy that will reduce US influence in the region, India was not in tandem with that and ultimately at Indian persuasion, a compromise formula was arrived at.
The tenor of the discussions and the content of the joint communique make it clear that China and Russia were also not ready to hit USA on the wrong side. The criticism was mild and China took care of the interests of Pakistan by not allowing India to mention anything related to the Pak role in terror in the region. The joint communique underlined the need for adequate development of the Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) to enable the country to defend its sovereignty and independence. China tried to mention of double standards in the communique implicating obliquely India but Russia intervened and ultimately China did not insist on this.
The discussions at the Wuhan meeting and the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh's meeting in Hanoi with the senior Chinese leaders have set the stage for a meaningful discussions with China during the visit of the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to India in the third week of December this year. Lot of issues are there which have to be thrashed out and Wen's visit gives an opportunity to the Indian leaders to take up the issues in right earnest because there should be mo apprehensions in India about the Chinese intentions and both the Governments have to work hard to maintain the growth momentum in their respective economies.
As of now, India is not comfortable with the postures of the Chinese security forces on the borders and the comments being made by some senior officials on Kashmir and Arunachal. India will take up the issue of the presence of huge number of Chinese engineers in Pak occupied Kashmir. India will also take up the issue of nuclear plant talks between China and Pakistan. Foreign secretary Nirupama Rao is visiting Beijing again on November 16 after attending the trilateral meeting of Russia, China and India in Wuhan on November 15. National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon will also visit Beijing on November 29 and 30. Indian officials will assess the situation in the light of the talks the two senior officials will be having and then decide on the strategy on the eve of the meeting with the Chinese Prime Minister.
Indian officials say that China has a feeling now that it can dictate its terms and in the recent period, China has been using this with its neighbours. But this stance is now going to have its adverse effects. As regards India, India does not believe in forming any anti-Chinese block and it will never be a part of any US global strategy against China. India will move from issue to issue and the situation will remain the same with Japan also. India will take a position against China on any particular issue on the basis of its interests not due to any pressure from US or Japan. China will be told that China should not have any apprehensions about India being a part of ant- China game plan by US but China has to behave responsibly so that India is not forced to do something against Chinese position.
On global economic issues, India does not favour any pressure by US to force China to revalue its currency. India has already taken this position in Seoul summit and this will be reiterated to the Chinese PM also that China on its own should calibrate its policies to ensure that the value of Yuan is adjusted taking into account the reality. India is also calibrating its reforms and China also must have the right to frame its national policies but that should not lead to distortions in the economy of the other exporting countries.
India will reiterate its position of having a trilateral understanding between China, India and Russia which will lead the global economy in this century. India will tell China that the world has become multi-polar and China is having a major role in shaping the global policies. India recognises that and India also like China to give due recognition to its emerging role in the global polity and economy. India is ready to collaborate with China in international affairs on the basis of equality and mutual recognition. (IPA Service)
Nitya Chakraborty - 2010-11-16 10:09
NEW DELHI: The joint communique issued after the trilateral one day meeting of the foreign ministers of India, China and Russia at Wuhan (China) on November 15 underlines once again that there are lot of hurdles for India to cross before the membership of the United Nations Security Council as a permanent member becomes a reality. The deliberations at the Wuhan meeting has made it clear that there has been no softening of the Chinese stance on the SC membership issue even after the categorical statement of the US President Barack Obama during his recent visit to India. China wants reforms in UN and it will decide after assessing India's performance as a temporary member for two years.