But under the leadership of President Obama, the G-8 is now trying to be somewhat sophisticated in its enterprise. He has, however, to so perform as the leader of the sole super power the function of the overlord who is unable and unwilling to make a radical back with the policies and performance of his predecessors in the office of the US president after the Second World War.

This position has been emphasised in the latest exercise of G-8 diplomacy in Italy. After separate deliberations on contentious issues of investment, trade and climate change and conclusions arrived at, five so - called emerging powers from among the developing countries in the global arena were invited to sign on the dotted lines. Failing that, matters were put off for resolution of differences in familiar style. The ruling set up in G-8 are with prepared to put pressure on G-5 to secure its compliance in the form of “consensus” on the issues in contention. This is a time-tested method for the G-8 to achieve it interests and objectives, especially from pliant countries which choose to depend on its “aid” and strategic support to protect the ruling elite in the developing countries.

For the leaders of so-called emerging developing countries in the World order to say that problems arising out of the global financial melt down are entirely the making of the developed capitalist countries, the G-8 and their countries are only victims of the global recession is, however, humbug. They, after all, went for and have been activists for more than two decades in the implementation of the policy prescriptions. The so - called economic reforms handed out to them by the institutions of G-8 set up in the developing countries linked the growth of gainful economic activity dependence primarily on “aid” from the G-8. Once the G-8 countries have fallen into periodic recessions in their capitalist system, this time than far more severe, even destructive than in the past, for their economies, the much applauded growth of economies in the developed countries fall apart as houses of cards.

The problem now is that those among the ruling elite in developing countries, such as in India have lost the spirit of autonomous, self - reliant economic and social development in their countries are now floundering under neo - colonial dependency for sustaining the economic structure and social relations based on monopolization of the gains of whatever economic growth takes place by a narrow upper crust - between 15 to 20 per cent of their population - so that only insignificant part of their gains has percolated down to the mass of their people. Hence the growing discontent and unrest among the people. Populist policies no longer likely to impress the people any more for easy smooth leadership rule for the ruling elite.

So far as the response of the G-8 towards the developing countries, especially the so - called emerging capitalist countries like India is concerned, the pressures for the accommodation of the interests of developed countries, individually and collectively are bound to become stronger and sharper. G-8 countries are likely to find and secure transfer the political burden and financial cost of pulling their own economies out of recession on the developing countries. This will call for conditions in which they can exploit the natural resources, labour and consumers in the developing countries. It may not be amiss in this context to refer to the declaration that G-8 adopted in Italy and which is G-5 of five emerging developing countries have endorsed.

G-8 as well as leading developing countries have decided to treat the nascent signs of economic recovery with caution, and not hastily abort special measures they were forced to take to deal with the global crisis. The countries also decided to start exploring options of unwinding rescue of programmes in that concern rising fiscal deficit and the risk of inflation. The cautious approach has been spelt out in a joint declaration adopted by leaders of G-8 countries and those of developing economies of India, China, Brazil, South Africa and Mexico.

“While continuing to support our economies with every necessary measures to overcome the crisis, we will also begin to prepare exit strategies from the extraordinary policy measures taken to respond to the crisis once the recovery is assured and to ensure monetary and fiscal sustainability in the medium term.” Further, “We regard enhancing the transparency and understanding of the negotiating results to date as a necessary means to facilitate the conclusion of an agreement. In order to fill in the remaining gaps in the negotiations as soon as possible, we instruct our ministers in charge of trade to explore immediately all possible avenues of direct engagement within the WTO. (IPA Service)