Shri Ramesh said, “The coastline of India is undergoing changes due to various anthropogenic and natural interventions. Most of the shoreline changes are on account of the structures which have been developed/constructed along the foreshore of the country. Several of these developments are not compatible with the dynamic nature of the shoreline.”
Prof. M. S. Swaminathan Committee in its report last year it has been recommended a moratorium stipulated on all foreshore developmental activities till such time a detailed study is not undertaken for the entire coastline. Accordingly, moratorium tourism was imposed on 21st August, 2009 and 3rd November, 2009. Based on a report submitted by Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management (ICMAM) no development was permitted in the areas identified as “high eroding sites” and areas along ecological sensitive areas.
The shoreline study was assigned to Institute for Ocean Management (IOM), Chennai. The maps for Orissa and Tamil Nadu are waiting for the state governments’ approval.
A dedicated website for documentation and dissemination of the information to the public and all stakeholders with regard to the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project was also launched today. It was initiated with the assistance of the World Bank including the activities relating to coastal zone management in the country. Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM) set up this website which will provide all information relating to the project that is being implemented by SICOM and the State Project Management Units of Orissa, West Bengal and Gujarat including the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management.
The new website will act as a communication channel for information dissemination on all activities pertaining to Integrated Coastal Zone Management taken up by SICOM to all the stakeholders, including the general public, serve as the showcase of the various ICZM projects executed by National Project Management Unit, State Project Management Unit and Project Executing Agencies and create a community platform for active interaction between SICOM and the stakeholders. Public can actively contribute ideas, opinions, views on activities related to ICZM projects.The website contains grievances recording and redressal mechanism and contact numbers of SICOM (011 4739 77 77) and West Bengal (1800 345 2437).
Survey of India has submitted inception report on mapping, delineation and demarcation of the hazard line along India’s coast. The inception report includes Digital Elevation Model of 0.5meter, contour lines of 0.5metres elevation, ortho rectified photographs in 1:10,000 scales, hazard line marked down on ortho rectified prints, hazard line demarcated on the ground villages boundaries with name, village roads. Other features would include river, lakes, sea, railway lines, channels, etc.
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on the 12th May, 2010 between the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and Survey of India (Department of Science and Technology), for this purpose. This initiative of the MoEF forms a critical part of its responsibilities vis-a-vis planning and management of the country’s coastal zone. Total cost of the project is Rs.125 crores. This will include the collection and presentation of data identifying flood lines over the last 40 years (which includes sea level rise impacts), and a prediction of erosions to take place over the next 100 years.
This process involves Digital Aerial Photography at 9cm GSD and photogrammetric surveys and preparation digital terrain model at 0.5m for the entire mainland coast; collection of historical tide gauge data and its analysis to determine 100years flood levels; analysis of maps and satellite imagery/Aerial Ortho imagery since, 1967 to predict the erosion line over the next 100years; preparation of composite maps, showing the hazard line on the digital data and Transfer of the hazard line to topographic maps for public dissemination. Once the hazard line is delineated, ground markers will be constructed. This is important as the revenue maps used for local planning purposes are not comparable to topographic maps.
National Shoreline Mapping Change Assessment for India
Special Correspondent - 2010-12-29 17:22
New Delhi: Shri Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State for Environment and Forests (I/C) launched the shoreline study maps of Gujarat and Puducherry here today which are approved by the respective state governments.