The parental annual income ceiling for eligibility has been enhanced from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh per annum in the Scheme of Post-Matric Scholarships to students belonging to Scheduled Castes for studies in India. The CCEA also approved the revision in the maintenance and other allowances besides regrouping of courses.
The CCEA also approved an estimated increased expenditure of Rs.7136 crore against the existing plan outlay of Rs.4082 crore for it during the XI Plan. Additional committed liability on account of the revision will be passed on to State Governments/UT Administrations at the end of the XII Five Year Plan period, and not after the XI plan period.
Post-Matric Scholarships norm for SC students revised
Special Correspondent - 2010-12-30 18:07
New Delhi: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today revised the norms for financial assistance for Post-Matric scholarships for students belong to Scheduled Castes for studies in India.