The allegations in brief were that on 15.08.2006, a secret meeting of the Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), a banned organisation was held in the Happy Auditorium, Panayikulam. The meeting was anti- Government and was seditious, inflammatory, creating religious animosity and above all provocative in nature.

During a through and exhaustive investigation conducted by the NIA, it was established that the accused persons, namely P. A. Shaduly, Abdul Rasik, Ansar, Nizamudeen, Shammi, Shameer, Abdul Hakeem, Nizar, Mohayudheen Kutty, Muhammed Nissar, Ashkar, Nissar, Salih, Hashim, Riyas, Muhammed Naisam and Nissar (total 17 in number) entered into a criminal conspiracy to advocate, incite and abet unlawful activities for secession of Kashmir from India and to bring hatred and contempt towards the Govt. of India and in furtherance of the said conspiracy, they committed the crime.

Based on the evidence collected during investigation, a prima facie case has been well established and the National Investigation Agency submitted a Charge-sheet against the accused persons before the Special Court of NIA at Ernakulam on 30.12.2010 after obtaining statutory sanction for prosecution from the competent authority of the Government of India.