The District-level Committee will have flexibility to spend the amount on development schemes of their choice based on the need of the district. The Committee will draw up a Plan consisting of concrete proposals for public infrastructure and services such as School Buildings, Anganwadi Centres, Primary Health Centers, Drinking Water Supply, Village Roads, Electric lights in public places such as PHCs and schools, etc. The schemes so selected will show results in the short term. The Development Commissioner / equivalent officer in charge of development in the State will be responsible for scrutiny of expenditure and monitoring of the IAP. Macro-level monitoring of the IAP will be carried out by the Committee headed by the Member-Secretary, Planning Commission.
The guidelines for the implementation of the IAP have been issued and the allocation of Rs. 25 crore to each district for the year 2010-11 has been released to the State Governments. The districts have initiated action to start the implementation of the Scheme.
Integrated Action Plan for Select Tribal and Backward Districts approved
Special Correspondent - 2010-12-30 18:33
New Delhi: The Government has approved the Integrated Action Plan (IAP) for 60 Selected Tribal and Backward Districts .The scheme would be an additional central assistance (ACA), on 100% grant basis. To begin with IAP is proposed to be implemented with a block grant of Rs. 25 crore and Rs. 30 crore per district during 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively for which the funds will be placed at the disposal of the Committee headed by the District Collector and consisting of the Superintendent of Police of the District and the District Forest Officer.