In order to bring total transparency and rational distribution of coal resources, competitive bidding of coal blocks will be initiated very soon. After the necessary amendment in the MMDR Act, rules are being framed for this purpose.
Underlining the importance of modernization of technology in coal mining , Shri Jaiswal said his main emphasis would be on clean coal technology especially coal to liquid (CTL) to meet the energy security requirements of future.
The Coal Minister said welfare of workers in the coal mining is also a priority area of the Government. He said that approval for constitution of the Joint Bipartite Committee for finalisation of next wage revision has been given. He said that he would ensure its timely implementation.
Coal Regulator Bill to be introduced in Budget Session
Special Correspondent - 2011-01-20 12:36
New Delhi: The Government will bring Coal Regulator Bill in Parliament in Budget Session to ensure level playing field to all the stake holders. It would also make recommendations for reforms in coal sector and about coal pricing. Addressing the media persons here today, Shri Sriprakash Jaiswal, Union Minister for Coal said a number of initiatives are in pipeline to make coal sector more transparent and consumer friendly.