In order to bring transparency and rational distribution of coal resources, competitive bidding of coal blocks will be initiated very soon. After the necessary amendment in the Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation (MMDR) Act, 2010 rules are being framed for this purpose. Bidding process will begin from April, this year.

Emphasis will be laid on promoting modernisation of coal mining and introduction of clean coal technology, particularly the coal-to-liquid technology.

Srprakash Jaiswal who after being elevated to the rank of Union Coal Minister, assumed office on Thursday and briefed the mediapersons about the future programmes of his ministry.

He said that coal sector can meet the energy needs of the country to an great extent. In the current year Coal India Ltd is likely meet the target of 641 million tonne for coal production.

“A note has been sent to the Cabinet suggesting speedy clearances of coal blocks. We have suggested environment concerns vis-a-vis coal production in our note,” he said.

He said that the Coal Regulator will oversee the bidding process and see whether the norms are being adhered to or not. It will recommend prices of coal, but the coal prices would be fixed by CIL and the ministry. It will also recommend for reforms in the coal sector.

Jaiswal said that global prices of coal has shot up owing to shortfall in production caused due to floods in Australia and cold wave in South Africa. He said imports were necessary to meet the needs of the country. He suggested that cement industries and paper mills should run on imported coal.

The coal minister said the welfare of workers in the coal mining was also a priority area of the government. He said that approval for constitution of the Joint Bipartite Committee for finalisation of next wage revision has been given. He said that he would ensure its timely implementation. Wage revision takes place after every five years.