“Within the manufacturing sector, we need to pay special focus to the development of green technologies which will be one of the dominant themes over the next 2 decades, providing both challenges of adaptation and opportunities of growth for manufacturing. The market for green products is estimated at nearly US $ 200 billion and is growing at 15% every year”, he said. The inaugural session was also addressed by the Ms. Sheikha Lubna Bint Al Qasimi, Minister of Foreign Trade, United Arab Emirates. The 3-day (10-12 February) EPIF 2011 is being jointly organized by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India; Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) –Tokyo; National Productivity Council (NPC) – India and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Sharma said that if we look at the overall scenario of engineering exports, we are one of the fastest growing exports in the world at nearly 30%, well above the global average of 13%. “The engineering exports are already touching US $ 40 billion and I expect that it should be nearly US$ 50 billion this year. We have remained mindful of the fact that we need to align government policies with the ambitious target of tripling India’s engineering exports of US $ 120 billion by 2015”, the Minister added.
Shri Sharma also informed that India is making a major contribution in the growth of manufacturing and high-value engineering and added that this decade will be particularly significant in the development and growth of this sector even as the global focus shifts on clean energy technologies and processes. 2011 edition of this Fair covers the whole range of technologies from manufacturing, solid waste management and also innovations and auto sector. “It is indeed appropriate that the Eco-Product International Fair which focuses especially on green productivity for sustainable energy is being organised as a concurrent event within the ambit of International Engineering and Technology Fair. This becomes important and relevant in contemporary times as the world is grappling with the challenge of finding a new model for sustainable development new solutions for and addressing the issue of energy security and climate change in ensuring that we continue to grow on a low carbon growth path”, the Minister added.
Addressing the gathering, Shri R. P. Singh, Secretary (DIPP) cautioned about the environmental challenges which are posing threat to the society. He shared that the government has already initiated 8 missions for fulfilling its national and international obligations on the issue. He also talked about the emerging role of India in increasing productivity in the South-Asian region as a whole for which DIPP has utmost commitment. The inaugural function was also addressed by Mr. Rajive Kaul, Chairman, Steering Committee – IETF; Mr. Hari S Bhartia, President-CII; Mr. Takashi Yamagishi, Chairperson-EPIF Preparatory Committee; Dr. Ryoichi Yamamoto, Chairperson-Preparatory Committee for Establishment of Eco-products Database and Mr. Chandrajit Banerjee, DG, CII.
The EPIF 2011 is expected to provide a platform for international and Indian companies to share knowledge and experience regarding latest eco technologies and will also provide a marketing venue to showcase the latest eco technologies and eco products to Government, Industries and the Public apart from providing a business platform for buyers and sellers to meet and explore business collaborations. This will help in accelerating eco-knowledge and expansions of green market in India. The EPIF 2011 will demonstrate the innovativeness, competitiveness, and marketability of eco-friendly products and services offered by participating enterprises. EPIF will showcase the most advanced environmental technologies and provide opportunities to explore green business collaborations besides promoting public awareness on environmentally friendly products and services.
Concurrent with the Fair, an international conference on the theme “Green Productivity for Sustainable Energy & Environment' was also organized. Shri Suresh Prabhu, Convener, EPIF; Mr. Yukio Kato, Councilor, Ministry of Environment, Japan; Chief Patron, Shri J. N Godrej; Mr. Yu Murata, Director, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan and Mr. N. C. Vasudevan, DG / NPC spoke on the occasion.
Speaking on the uniqueness of the conference, Shri N C Vasudevan, DG, NPC informed that it represents one of the first few attempts in the region to articulate green product design and green purchasing. He shared that the subject matters chosen for the conference are particularly appropriate and visionary as they are focused towards enhancing environmental protection, international competitiveness, and sustainable development. Some of the key topics selected for the deliberations during the conference are; Eco-finance & Eco-business, energy efficient technologies & global energy markets, Green supply chain, green procurement along with climate change & low carbon growth.
Engineering Exports to Touch US $ 120 Billion by 2015
Special Correspondent - 2011-02-10 12:32
New Delhi: Shri Anand Sharma, Union Minister for Commerce & Industry, while inaugurating 7th edition of Eco-Products International Fair (EPIF 2011) and 19th International Engineering Trade Fair (IETF), here today said that India is today 5th largest wind energy producer in the world and 8th in terms of investments made in clean energy technologies. He informed that globally, investments in clean energy have growth by as much as 230% in the last 4 years and are touching US $ 200 billion.