The letter says that following the observations of the Parliamentary Committee, the States have already been informed that every Panchayat representative should get at least one training in a year. The states need to undertake a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) exercise to identify the content and pedagogy for the training of the elected and official functionaries. Such TNA would form the basis for the Perspective Plan for the CB&T under both BRGF & RGSY and should be broken into appropriate Annual Plans. Also, the CB&T activities in the HPC should also need review.
In addition, the Ministry has also directed the states to submit their Sub-Plans for each district while furnishing their Annual Plans by the end of this month in accordance to the Recommendations of the 3 Regional Workshops of the States on CB&T held during Nov.-Dec., 10.
Center asks States to enhance Capacity Building & Training in Panchayats
Special Correspondent - 2011-02-18 18:55
New Delhi: The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has asked the States to enhance the Capacity Building & Training (CB&T) in Panchayats across the rural areas of the country. In a letter the Minisstry has directed that the funds earmarked for this purpose must be fully utilized.