This Session is being organized jointly at the SCOPE Convention Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi by the Department of Public Enterprises -nodal Department of the Government of India in respect of CPSEs - and the Standing Conference on Public Enterprises (SCOPE), which is an apex body of CPSEs.

The first of its kind interactive Session will set an important precedent for CPSEs and policy makers as well. It will enable the Ministers to obtain a first-hand understanding of the dynamics of Public Sector Operations and will also provide an opportunity to assess the relative strengths and shortcomings of the CPSEs. This interaction will provide an important opportunity as well as a forum to deliberate on various key issues concerning CPSEs that need attention and will also facilitate the formulation of appropriate policy responses in a holistic manner.

The, Public Enterprises Survey for the year 2009-10 will be released by Shri Praful Patel on the occassion. This Survey presents an overview of the performance of more than 240 CPSEs and is a comprehensive report on the appraisal of the working of CPSEs.

The Standing Conference on Public Enterprises (SCOPE) will also make a brief presentation highlighting their views with regard to CPSEs for the consideration of the Government.