A citizen of Nepal entering India by land or air over the Nepal border does not require a passport or visa for entry into India. Some of the Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Sri Lankan nationals who entered India with valid travel documents have been found to be overstaying. As per information available, 32,644 Bangladeshi nationals, 7,691 Pakistani nationals and 2,490 Sri Lankan nationals were found to be overstaying as on 31st December, 2009. During the year 2009, 5,312 Bangladeshi nationals, 30 Pakistani nationals, 36 Nepali nationals and 63 Sri Lankan nationals were arrested under various provisions of the Foreigners’ Act. Details for the year 2010 have not been compiled. Certain instances of some illegal immigrants having managed to get their names registered in the electoral rolls have been reported. Statistical data of this nature is not centrally maintained. As and when such instances are detected, the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations take necessary action for deleting the names from the electoral rolls and cancellation of voter identity cards along with such other appropriate steps as mandated by the provisions of the law.
This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Shri Mullappally Ramachandran in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.
Accurate Estimate of Infiltrators Not Possible
Special Correspondent - 2011-03-09 18:55
New Delhi: Since entry of foreign nationals infiltrated into the country is clandestine and surreptitious, it is not possible to have a correct estimate of such infiltrators from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka living in the country.