He also urged the world leaders to completely destroy the network of the terrorist outfit, Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT) as it is “the biggest threat to world peace.”

Observing the situation in Jammu and Kashmir has improved and the inflow of tourists to the state has increased coupled with smoothening of India-Pakistan relationships, the NC President who is also the Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy said a matured decision should be taken by all concerned, taking into consideration of the views of State Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. He made it clear that for him and his party, the security of India always came first. “I assure you we would never compromise on the security of our country, India,” he said, reminding that it was he who had suggested the creation of a Unified Command when he was the chief minister.

When asked as to whether he has discussed the issue with other Cabinet colleagues, he quipped : “It is not my job. The State Chief Minister has already discussed with the Prime Minister, Army Chief and other ministers dealing with security issues. His views should be taken on board. Earlier there was a similar problem on deciding to remove some bunkers and now when 40 bunkers have been removed there is no problem,” he said and added that the Army should be careful and vigilant.

Dr Abdullah, however, said that in 1947 after the partition of the country, India should have taken entire Kashmir under its control as this could have resolved the problem. Declaring ceasefire without taking over entire Kashmir was a mistake. He regretted that Kasmir cannot fully use the waters of its three rivers, Chenab, Jhelum and Indus due to water-sharing accord with Pakistan. He said that Baglihar and Dulhasti projects were initiated at his behest.

Releasing the book “The Caliphate’s Soldiers: The Lashkar-e-Tayyeba’s Long War”, produced by Observer Research Foundation and published by Amaryllis in Delhi on Thursday, he said : “The Lashkar-e-Tayyeba is the biggest threat to world peace and hence its network should be destroyed completely. The world would suffer much more than the 9/11 terror attacks unless this dangerous terror network is not wiped out from the earth. They (world leaders) removed and killed Saddam Hussein (former Iraqi President). They did the same to Gaddafi (former Libyan President). Now they are after Assad (Syrian President). Then they may go after Iran. But I want to tell you that Lashkar-e Tayyeba is much more dangerous to the world. Unless we destroy it, the world will have to pay a heavy prize,”

Dr Abdullah said a democratic Pakistan, which is free from the Pakistan Army and ISI, was in the interest of India. He hoped that Pakistan would become a stable democratic country and India, especially his troubled State, Jammu and Kashmir, would be able to strengthen relations with its civilian leadership.

Author of the book “The Caliphate’s Soldiers: The Lashkar-e-Tayyeba’s Long War”, Wilson John, Senior Fellow, ORF, said the LeT still remained a serious threat to the world than before despite the global scrutiny and sanctions following the Mumbai terror attacks.

“The LeT presents a more complex and potent threat to the world than even the Haqqani network or the Taliban today,” Wilson said, quoting from the book.

He said among terrorist groups known to be operating from across the world, LeT has one of the most centralized and extensive infrastructure. “It has more than 2500 offices across Pakistan, acting as hubs for recruitment and fund raising,” he said.

“The fact that LeT has had a presence in almost 22 countries proves its capacity to work undercover in alien surroundings, a characteristic that is normally associated with intelligence agencies,” Wilson said.

“LeT has enormous potential to destabilise the region. If the Mumbai attacks were to be taken as a case in point, it is clear that the group can provoke an armed conflict, even a nuclear one, by carrying out spectacular attacks,” Wilson said.

“LeT remains the world’s most powerful, and resourceful, multinational terrorist group. There are no visible signs of the Pakistan state disengaging with, and dismantling, the terrorist group. The possibility of terrorist attacks directly carried out by the LeT or its proxies in India and elsewhere in the world will remain quite high in the coming years,” cautioned Wilson.