The aircraft carrier, designed by Indian Navy, is being built by Cochin Shipyard Limited.

At present US, Russia, UK and France are the four countries that have the capability to design and build aircraft carriers of 40,000 tonne and above

The Indian Navy vice chief, Vice Admiral RK Dhowan, said here on Thursday that the 40,000 tonne indigenous aircraft carrrier was one of its most prestigious warship projects and was unprecedented in terms of size and complexity.

The prestigious aircraft carrier to be named “Vikrant” will be launched by Elizabeth Antony, wife of the Indian Defence Minister AK Antony. The Indian Defence Minister will be the chief guest at the function.

The production of the aircraft carrier commenced in 2006. It is being built using high-strength steel developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation and Steel Authority of India Limited.

According to Vice Admiral Dhowan the aircraft carrier would have two take-off runways and a landing strip with three arrester wires capable of operating a STOBAR (short take off but arrested delivery) aircraft mix including the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft, the MiG-29K combat jets and a range of helicopters.
It will be equipped with a long range surface-to-air missiles (LR SAM) system with multi-function radar and close-in weapons system (CIWS).

After its launch, the carrier will be redocked at Cochin Shipyard for erecting the superstructure and and installing its equipment and for the remaining underwater work.

Dhowan said major outfitting work will be completed by 2016, after which extensive sea trials will be conducted. The carrier is expected to be delivered to the Indian Navy in 2018.